Wizard Mode: Short Documentary on Robert Gagno

Wizard Mode is an upcoming documentary on Robert Gagno, a young man who has autism and is also an up and coming pinball player.

This short (10 minute) documentary is a kind of teaser for the full-length doc, but it’s really well done. In addition to the story being a compelling one, there’s a lot of great little details that I noticed (song lyrics, timed out to the footage as an example). Even though it’s shorter, this mini-doc stands well on its own. And make sme look forward to the full length film.

No website that I could find, but I’m guessing there will be updates via this Twitter account.

Watching this, it made me remember all the fun times I had attending the Pinball Expo here in Chicago. It’s been a long while since I’ve been to one, and now I want to go back!

[via Ben]

Visting Ben and Allison for Lunch (and Pinball)
Helping Chris Move Two Newly Acquired Pinball Machines
Chicago Pinball Expo, 2010
Pinball Expo 2009
Pinball Expo: Free Play Heaven (2007)

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