The Muse Has Been Having Teeth Issues
The past week, I’ve been driving to work, hoping to catch a positive sense of the morning and put it into a poem. But I’ve been preoccupied a bit, thinking a lot about my teeth. I haven’t been to a dentist in ages. Almost 5 years, I want to say. But today, I called and set up an appointment. When I floss around my molars (bottom, left hand side), my gums seem to bleed a great deal. I’ve been trying to ignore this, like any regular guy, but it’s been happening for a few days now.
To top it off, my nose has been sweating (mainly when I eat) for a good number of months. I’ve been trying to shrug this off, but I wonder if the two aren’t related.
Mr. Grumpy thinks that I’m a hypochondriac. And he may be right.
But I’m not one to call up a dentist and set up an appointment. I HATE dentists, and have associated them with pain and needles and sharp, pointy, metal thingies. Ugh. It’s been almost 5 YEARS since I’ve been to a dentist. So this ain’t some "imagined" ailment. I wouldn’t do this shit unless I thought something was wrong.
The thing I hate about dentists is that, once the appointment is set, there’s no happiness until that date passes. Between now and my appointment (next Monday, 11:30 AM), if I’m ever happy, or laughing, or smiling… I’ll invariably remember that I will be in a dentist’s office come next Monday. And I’ll get worried and nervous and scared immediately.
I’m half-convinced they’re going to pull out some teeth…. *shudder*
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