I Make Jenny Promise

Jenny took the train into work today, but I drove. At 5:30 PM, I offered to give her a lift back to her car, and she accepted. We had a nice conversation along the way, and she asked about the pictures I took a few weeks back. I balked a bit at giving her this URL, but did anyways. Before I gave the address out, though, I made her promise not to tell our bosses at work.

This makes me wonder if I create "just cause" for termination if I speak poorly of my employer. So far, I don’t believe I’ve identified my workplace by name. Still – it’s an interesting concept, although not one I’d care to be the posterboy for. I’d like this space to be my own area to "mentally vomit" whatever in the hell I please. And sometimes, that kind of purging will involve work. Invariably. As with other instances where the electronic/public becomes confused with the actual/personal… it’s tricky ground.

The thought arises now, a bit late, that Jenny could conceivably blackmail me for free drinks, from here on out.

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