Inner Town Pub
When I got home, I got a call from Justin, asking me to check on a domain name. He and Alex and Stu were at Inner Town Pub, near where he and Stu live. I check for him, and the domain name is available. Justin hoots and hollers.
I found out today that Stu had a recent bad turn in his latest relationship… a pretty bad one. And he was out drinking with the boys. I got the story from Justin, and was playing it by ear to see whether I’d be able to meet up with them later in the evening. When Justin calls around 10 PM, I hop a cab and head on over.
When I show up, they’re all talking about starting a company. A t-shirt company. But they’ve made notes, come up with concepts, and are laying things out in a surprisingly organized manner. So of course, I decide I want in. Justin has, in this time, gone home and registered the domain. :) We order drinks and start talking – shortly thereafter, Kristen shows up and we all start discussing T-shirt concepts and ideas.
Didn’t notice this before, but Kristen is in all of these shots. Primarily because I was sitting directly across from her, and couldn’t back up more to get a wider range. But still, they’re fun images of us:
Stu, Kristen and Alex… thinking their fancy thoughts.
At one point, Kristen noticed that we all had three notebooks out of roughly the same size and shape. She then laughed at how hopelessly nerdy we were.
Kristen, puzzled.
As we were listing ideas, we often got into heated arguments – sometimes trying to argue or defend a particular idea we liked. Here, Kristen is making a point about one of our ideas…
Hey, lay off. We were drinking.
Stu and Kristen, contemplating the awe-inspiring idea that I threw out about my T-shirt design. :P
Our voting process. Thumbs up = 1; thumbs halfway = 1/2; thumbs down = 0. This worked surprisingly well. For the longest time, I kept thinking that I knew so many smart, creative, talented people… it just seems to make sense that we would all incorporate and make something wonderful.
The T-shirt idea is a strong one, and while it may not change the world… I actually think it’s something we might see through. Beyond this shit-talking, oh-what-a-great-idea mode. Alex is incredibly good at logistics, and planning, and setting up the foundation of what could be a larger project/business. This will definitely be interesting, to see where it leads.
While we were at the bar, a woman (who I only know as "The Muffin Lady") came by. She hits a lot of the bars in the area, and most people recognize her on sight. She stops at each table, asking if anyone wants to buy her muffins. And, in case you’re wondering, they’re "special" muffins. $5 each.
I had seen her before a few times, but never was in the right place to ask for one, or never felt like one. Well, tonight… I got one. Figure I’ll have it this weekend sometime, most likely Saturday. Of course, I’ll document the process. Check back this weekend. :)
After my purchase, Stu told me that her muffins were good, but nowhere near worth $5. Hopefully, I can convince him to show me some of his recipes.
Now, keep in mind that I only say this once or twice a year. Here’s my muffin, everybody:
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