WH Folk Who Are Visiting

Though I won’t have access from home next week, I’ll still check e-mail at work and my phone number should be the same. Any questions, either e-mail or call. I will probably not be on any IM programs… so e-mail or phone is your best bet.

Rest assured – I will contact all of you who have made arrangements with me to stay. One way or another, I will get a hold of you. I will also ensure that, when you do arrive in fair Chicago, I (or some other WH member) will be here to meet you, find a place for you to store your things, and pour you a drink.

I’ve a pretty sparse apartment as it is. There’s one pretty beat-up futon. So most likely, it’s gonna be floor space for most of us. Bring sleeping bags if you prefer; I’ll make sure to have enough blankets and pillows and such for everyone.

e-mail me if you have questions.

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