Archive for October, 2002


It’s not the greatest in the world, but it may give you a taste of what the evening was like. Walking through the crowd (372K) Lighting the Redmoon Theater Sign (487K) Playing with Fire 1 (802K) Playing with Fire 2 (767K)


Final Show

Worked my way to the front and squatted on the ground. For two shows. The first time, I was sitting next to these really cool kids (and their rather attractive mom), and we had a good time joking around. I showed them a few photos I took on my camera, and they made fun of the bolt in my head….


Redmoon Theater

I showed up in time to meet Alex, Dave, and a small group that I didn’t know at all (Travis, Woody, Mariano and Carolina [pronounced Carol-eena]). I didn’t really talk all that much with them. We stood a while outside of Lula’s, and everyone decided they wanted to grab a drink. I walked along for a while, and after we…


Boo… Boo…

Ben and I went out to lunch, which was cool. We got to talk a bit more, and it’s nice hanging out with him. We walked to Panda Express, and took our time meandering through a bit of downtown to get to the restaurant. The entire time we were out, we saw two little kids dressed up. That’s it. And…


Happy Halloween, Everbody!

Ah yes. In a few minutes, I’m going to go dig up the clothes I buried a few days ago. Costumes are just way too much fun. If I was this playful every day of the year, I think I’d stress about things a lot less. I’m heading off to the Redmoon Theater this evening, so I’ll hopefully have some…


Nothing Really New to Report

Slow day today, but good. I fixed a few problems that made me feel better about my HTML abilities. Nothing difficult, but the fact that I worked through them made me feel more confident. Spent some time working with ActionScript, and am trying to collaborate with Justin on getting an ASP stock-ticker type thing working. Fun stuff.



It’s not how long you’ve wandered here, circling. It’s how long they will wait.


Nothing Increases Page Hits Like Nudity

Flak sent me a nice link today. Like a genius, I clicked on it at work, even though I could see what was in the URL she sent me… Be careful here, there’s some nudity! Pretty funny stuff. And for you non-techies out there – it’s some automated php thingy (not sure how it works). But if you change the…


Dr. Helix Jung, Part 2

I am quite dissapointed in your failure to mention me in your Blog. Have I shamed you? I am merely your evil twin, Dr. Helix Jung, not some common street riff-raff! The day you ignore me is the day the wind will blow a cold wind, Mr. Jung. A cold wind, like a Caribou wading across the frozen tundra, of…



Hey, You requested that those that don’t know you should email you. I saw your blog as Im an occasional posted on WH you’ll find me in Database and MX stuff forums, although I haven’t popped my head in there for ages. Im a religious reader of your blog. Something incredibly voyeuristic about seeing into someone’s life in the depth…


Dr. Helix Jung, Part 1

This is your evil twin. You asked in your blog about who is watching you, and reading your diary. Well, kindly brother, it is I! Beware…oh…the ides of March do come but this October. Fairly warned, be thee, says I! Well, I must get back to growing a goatee and wearing black and other evil twin type stuff…so I bid…