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There’s a thread on twelvestone about movies that were better than the book. And American Psycho appeared on the list. Back in college, a girl named Jenny used to come by my dorm room. It was weird – we were both attracted to each other, and our "relationship" was a bit… well, confusing. Oftentimes, she’d stop by and read to…
MaryAnn and I attended OSU a few years back. I was studying poetry, she was studying fiction – both of us were in the Creative Writing Program there. Well, she moved back to Chicago (she’s lived here before) a few months ago, and we finally got together this evening for dinner. It was quick, but we were able to catch…
Check out travellator.
Like all my coworkers, I’m in this zombie-like state. Here, but not here. Thinking of home. I don’t plan on updating this thing for the next few days. I’m coming back to my apartment on Friday I think, so I may post this weekend. But not before. I’ve been thinking lately of what else to write about here. Every few…
So as we’re leaving, I notice a rather attractive waitress. She was nowhere near our table this evening, but I get a glimpse of her as we’re putting on our coats. Immediately smitten. I thought briefly about going up to talk to her, but seeing how I was around all my workmates, that didn’t seem like the ideal time. Odd….
Three of the IT guys from Emmis Corporate (Indianapolis) were visiting, and Rey took everyone out to eat. Nearby steakhouse. 12 oz. filet. Medium rare. Smashed potatoes with bacon. Bass. I can barely move. I’m typing this with my nose.
Well, I’ve done some laundry and that’s as productive as I’m going to get. I sat on the couch with my cat, and we watched tv for a while. It was everything I thought it would be. Early night tonight – gonna try to read some.
Heard about this a few days back. In the three years I was there, I never attended a game. I did all my rioting after poetry readings. :|
I went to Target yesterday, and bought a ton of crap. Silverware, plates, house stuff. And as I’m walking around the aisle, I notice this little gem. Next thing I know, it’s in my cart. And this is what it sounds like. I know what you’re thinking. And you’re right. After about 2 times, it gets annoying. :)
has been drinking beer so long, he’s no longer able to regulate and pace liquor? Watching Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf last night was great. Liz, Steph and Chelsea all came over, drank and were amazed by Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. I first saw this film while I was an undergrad. Not sure why, but damn – I’m so…
I’m amazed that this product even exists. On the commercial, it was touted as some sort of "Easy Bake Oven," and the cookies you could make looked fantastic. Only at the end of the commercial did they say something to the effect of … and your friends can bake delicious looking cookies. Warning: Cookies are not edible. Why would any…