January 31, 2003
This has happened several times when I’ve been involved in serious relationships. But if I’m involved with someone, and I dream about other women… I won’t cheat. I recall several dreams where I refused sex from imaginary people (and really attractive imaginary people, mind you). I out and out said "Sorry, I’m seeing someone." Even in my dreams! I’ve gotten…
January 31, 2003
What a cool fucking word this is. Yet another great link from twelvestone. Anything related to sleep and dreaming has always fascinated me. I skimmed through the article a bit, but I’m pretty exhausted right now. HAHAHA! I just realized how silly this is – me, sleep deprived, posting a link to this article. ooooooh boy. Time for some sleep.
January 31, 2003
I was talking to seventh today, and he gave me a link to some of his photographs. I’m really quite impressed – there’s some slick shit here. Check it out. The picture of the water dragon is phenomenal!
January 31, 2003
The Internet is looking for a few good saints.
January 31, 2003
Wha? I hit the couch around 2, 3 PM. I wake up some six hours later – it’s dark, and I’m not entirely clear on where I am. Things that happened to me what seem like yesterday were, truly, two days ago. Now with this big, six-hour long nap… a lot of things feel like they happened three days ago….
January 31, 2003
It’s about quarter to 3 PM. I’m back home in my apartment, and just ordered some food. I’m actively being lazy and slothful and hoping I can stay awake long enough to watch one of the movies I rented. I’m pretty tired right now, but I don’t want to sleep – I want to be awake, to be alert enough…
January 31, 2003
One of these times, I’m going to get a videocamera set up beforehand… and then, once an hour, tape myself performing the same "experiment" over and over. Something like trying to juggle, or standing on one foot and touching my nose. I think it’d be a blast. Uh…. hm. Yeah. *looks at clock* *realizes he just spelled click, cock and…
January 30, 2003
Working at the office. Not much time to update, other than Ben and I are stil here… slugging away. Had sushi for dinner earlier, which was nice. Now it’s caffeine and Flash until morning. Wooha! ICQ: 153997726
January 29, 2003
Earlier tonight, I was chatting with Grumpy. He was killing a bit of time before his workday ended, and we both started looking around Conan O’Brien’s site on NBC. I’m not one that regularly watches his show, but I gotta say… there’s some really great stuff on this site. The two of us were cracking up over Celebrity Secrets. And…
January 29, 2003
Read the New York Times article All this time, I was in the minority and didn’t know it. By the way, my second attempt at soup turned out fairly well. I still need to get a cookbook and try to cook a few things outside of stews. Thanks to Alex, who actually called me up at work to tell me…
January 29, 2003
Altered what I gave to Ben, and made it work for Flash 5. This isn’t all that exciting, but I felt rather good completing it. I guess it’s more the thought that hit me as I was working on converting the thing from Flash 6 to Flash 5: holy CRAP! I know enough about Flash to determine what features make…
January 29, 2003
Most of the day today, I was in a holding pattern. Ben got back, and he had a lot on his plate to clear off before he could attend to the Hummer contest site. I played around with a few more elements, but just spent most of the workday creating small flourishes and possible elements. Around 5:00 PM, Rey brought…
January 28, 2003
Chatting around with seventh, Grumpy, TS7 and Matt – my mood improved dramatically. To make things even better, Ben hit me up on IM and asked me if I knew how to pass variables back and forth between php and Flash. I was able to quickly come up with a workable solution, and turned it around in about ten minutes?…
January 28, 2003
Talking with seventh today, he reminded me how wonderful orisinal.com is. Fun games, fantastic example of strong look-and-feel continuity, excellent branding, and just slick overall. It’s easy to get lost in this site, so only go there if you’ve got time on your hands (it’ll suck you in).
January 28, 2003
Looking back over yesterday’s entry, I’m thinking again about The Matrix: not the movie, but the mathematical term. A long, long time ago, back when I was a wee little sophomore in high school, I was enrolled in an advanced algebra course. Hell, maybe it was Freshman year… wait, that was geometry. ANYhow, I remember learning about matrices in class,…