Good Day
Most of the day today, I was in a holding pattern. Ben got back, and he had a lot on his plate to clear off before he could attend to the Hummer contest site. I played around with a few more elements, but just spent most of the workday creating small flourishes and possible elements.
Around 5:00 PM, Rey brought a bunch of us to Ned’s studio to listen to the on-air promotion he made. Some really cool stuff – everytime I hear Ned’s work, it makes me want to learn more about sound. To top things off, he burned me a CD chock full of special effects, and I went through a few tonight… trying to find potential sounds for the site.
In my mind, audio is a huge element for Flash-y type sites. The bigger trick is finding good, applicable audio and not just gratuitous audio.
Actually, who am I kidding? I’m a sucker for that stuff!
You should have seen me today… I was drooling all over this friggin’ CD. As I was looking over Ned’s files/folders, I realized just how much crap he had on his system (a staggering amount of audio). When he asked me what I wanted, I started giggling like a kid in some kind of store. :)
As Ben was reworking the logotype to better fit Rey’s mental image… Ben told me that he preferred my initial exploration. When he said that he felt my font choice was closer to what it should be (versus what he was creating per Rey’s instructions), that felt pretty good.
Tomorrow… tomorrow is going to hurt. The mini-site needs to be up and running first thing Friday morning. I’m hoping to get some rest tonight, and I full expect tomorrow to stretch into the long, late hours. There’s a fair amount to be done, but man oh man… this is the kind of thing I live for: a strong concept that I personally believe in, a slick design and layout, Flash, a tight deadline and what will undoubtedly be near-fatal amounts of caffeine.
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