Long Day

Damn! Got home around 11:30 PM. And the crazy thing is, I was the one who worked the least today!

When I got into the office, I found Ben already there. Turns out, he had trouble sleeping and woke up around 2 AM. After tossing and turning, he decided to come in to work at 4:30 AM!

Today, the two of us ended up getting a War Channel implemented. But we had to do it in such a way as to allow all our stations to use it. I helped out a bit, but Ben was taking the brunt of the work on. Took a long while of gathering crap and organizing things… fine tuning… etc etc etc.

Whew! I felt better about my contribution, but a part of me also feels that, were Justin around, he and Ben could have knocked things out in half the time. Less even. Ah well… I feel like I’m slowly getting a handle on things. Slowly.

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