Archive for April, 2003


I figured I wouldn’t type that much tonight, so I snapped some pictures on the walk back to the parking lot. Here ya go.



There’s a lot of heavy thunder going on, and when I slow down to think about it… I start to feel a bit like I did last September. Hm. The fact that I am now cross-referencing my blog is also depressing me some.


Still Going

Work today was pretty nonstop. I had nothing but coffee. Let’s see… a double shot of espresso. A large coffee. A redeye (large coffee with a double-shot dropped in). And… another redeye. I’m still feeling pretty beat up. Last night I kept switching from computer to couch, napping for a bit, then working for a bit. Stupid – I should…


Other Pics

Needless to say, I wasn’t the only one shooting pictures this past weekend. Check out what others have done: Photos by a3dmofoPhotos by arigatoPhotos by chelle2008Photos by derrickito Photos by Tha.Riddla


Bar Tab: Settled

I found O’Callaghan’s (where we were drinking on Sunday night) after work, and stopped in. When I signed for the bill, I didn’t leave enough of a tip – a small fact that only dawned on me as I was going over receipts, Monday evening. So… I stopped in tonight and made things right. The universe feels a bit more…



Well, it was bound to happen. I walked in to work, got some coffee with Ben and Justin, and as I started to set up for the day… I realized I left my portable drive at home. Doh! I ended up having to walk back to the parking lot, drive home, grab the drive, etc etc. I felt like I…


I Think It’s… Well, Maybe… It Might Be…

Earlier this morning, Justin and I both pulled into the parking lot at roughly the same time. We walked to the Mart together, and he was telling me a few of the ideas/projects he’s been kicking around lately. We passed by a few thrown-together objects that caught my eye, and I did a slight double-take, but didn’t stop to investigate….



All of the weekend pics should be up. Now starts the horrendous week from hell at work – several big projects due at the end of this week, which I should have been working on tonight (but worked on the blog instead). Crap. I’m planning on going to Columbus over the weekend, for a party at Jim and Meg’s. I…



I woke up at 8 AM, on the dot. Still drunk. I immediately fell back asleep until about 8:40 AM. Still drunk. Threw on some shoes, flattened down my hair and walked out the door with Melissa to the train stop. I’ve been wearing the same clothes I wore on Sunday all day, and slowly spent the day feeling a…


TwelveStone | Chicago Boozification, Part 3

Finally, we meet Jeff (persist)! He’s another one of the forum mods, and does some wicked, god-like stuff with ActionScript. We hadn’t heard from him all weekend, but as it turns out, he had sent me a PM on twelvestone. But what happened a bit earlier in the weekend was that Ian (who is also a forum moderator) had left…


TwelveStone | Chicago Boozification, Part 2

Good morning Starshine! Tim, derrick (curled into a ball), Sherie and Dustin (a3dmofo) on the bed. Amazingly, everyone was up and about at around 9:00 AM. I still don’t understand that. And for the record, Melissa defiled my bathroom. Again. :D A few stayed in to sleep, but most of us went to Hollywood Grill for some grub. This is…


TwelveStone Chicago Boozification, Part 1

The evening begins – derrick, Dana (mrs. StinkFist), Tim and Scotty (StinkFist) Someone offers derrick money to eat a tampon. The tone for the rest of the weekend is set. The birthday girl herself: Melissa (MoonDragon) arrives! Ian (arigato) had this with him, and I recognized the smell immediately. Another story for another time. What you’ve all been waiting for…


So It Begins

Earlier tonight, arigato, audrey and mr. audrey arrived in Chicago. We all went out to Irazu for a bite to eat (got the oatmeal shake again) and walked around a bit. We ventured into the Flatiron building, tried to find the occult bookstore (closed) and ari got grease on his hand in the elevator. Ari and I went to myopic…


Phone Call

Alex called me back. This after me calling him earlier in the evening. I’ve felt bad that I haven’t been out and about much, especially since I’ve been prepping to go out and about with a ton of folks this weekend. So, I called Alex to see how things have been, and to see if he might want to hang…