Interview with seventhmonkey

Mr. Grumpy: how’s oz tonight?
Mr. Grumpy: let’s talk about vegemite
Mr. Grumpy: what is it about this stuff that turns ppl against each other?
Mr. Grumpy: there’s really no middle of the road with vegemite, is there?
seventh: nope, no middle, only those who hate it and those who eat it with a spoon
Mr. Grumpy: if you were to come across a starving kangaroo in your backyard and only had one scoop of vegemite left, would you share?
seventh: hell no.
seventh: besides, kangaroos eat grass doofus.
seventh: I think vegemite would make them sick.
Mr. Grumpy: let’s talk about photography 7th, something in which you’ve shown much interest
Mr. Grumpy: what camera do you use?
seventh: A Fujifilm FinePix 6900z
Mr. Grumpy: can you link us to some of your work? i’m sure the audience would love to see a clip
seventh: hmmm,
Mr. Grumpy: thank you
Mr. Grumpy: now, for our travel-conscious members in the crowd today, when would you say is the best season to visit the land down under?
Mr. Grumpy: (grumpy’s working on getting his passport)
seventh: it all varies on where you want to go see, if you are staying up north, or pretty much anywhere in Queensland, then anytime of the year is fine, but further south in New South Wales/Victoria, stick to the summer months, the weather is not so great in winter.
seventh: as for the rest of the place? I have no idea
Mr. Grumpy: well, we hope to see you sometime soon, 7th! thank you for being with us today
Mr. Grumpy: (and you’ll take me by tszyu’s gym, yeah?)
seventh: oh jeah
Mr. Grumpy: wurrrrrd

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