5:54 AM

Well, some good progress. While I’m not ecstatic about the animation I’m doing, there is a bit of XML-driven animation that I’m particularly proud of. For each of the "artist" sections on this microsite, the info is all driven by XML files; in particular, the "extras" section for each artist creates new buttons based on the number of links it finds in this file. We did this setup for Summerjam, and it worked well, where the Hot97 webmasters could update the Flash without us having to deal with it too much after delivery.

But for this new microsite, there was some space limitation for the "extras" section. So… if Flash finds more than 2 links, a "more" button appears, and when it’s clicked… the window grows/resizes itself to display all the links. It also then reverts back to its original shape/size when clicked again.

To date, this is probably the most involved movement through ActionScript I’ve done, and I’m pretty happy with the result. Not anything earth-shattering or new, just new to me. :)

Dammit. I feel like having a bit of a celebration drink. But it’s fast approaching 6 AM, and I need to hop in the shower and head to work. These hours are fucking up the breakpoints that I typically use to gauge the day’s passing.

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