May 14, 2003
by Yusef Komunyakaa Dexter Gordon’s tenor saxplays "April in Paris"inside my head all the way backon the bus from Double Bay.Round Midnight, the ’50’s,cool cobblestone streetsresound footsteps of Bebopmusicians with whiskey-laced voicesfrom a boundless dream in French.Bud, Prez, Webster, & The Hawk,their names run together riffs.Painful gods jive talk throughbloodstained reeds & shiny brasswhere music is an anesthetic.Unreadable faces from…
May 14, 2003
… is one that ranks among my favorites. It’s by Yusef Komunyakaa and, while a student at Ohio State University, one of the poems I had to memorize for a graduate-level poetry class with Jeredith Merrin.
May 14, 2003
Kelly wrote back! I ran into her when our big group stumbled into Exit, a few weeks back. I’m actually looking forward to meeting up with her again (this time, LESS booze) and chatting with her some more. She was nice enough to let me take her picture, and she had some pretty killer tats. Once work settles down, I’m…
May 14, 2003
I slipped back to work with Chelsea, and gathered my things. We then walked to my car, drove to my neighborhood, and decided to stop in at the Artful Dodger. Lo and behold, Steph, Liz and Mandy (Steph’s sister) were all there. We sat down, had a few beers, and got caught up on things. Steph had just finished her…
May 14, 2003
Great reading. :) Chels and I stopped in a nearby pub and got fish and chips, beer. A quick in and out operation, as we only had about 45 minutes to eat and get going. At the poetry center, the Yusef Komunyakaa reading was really good (it took me a while to really get into things, but I was also…
May 14, 2003
I had a terrible morning, the kind where every limb feels attached to a five-pound weight, and closing your eyes provides a momentary relief, despite the fact that you’re sitting upright in an uncomfortable chair. Over the course of the day, though, I got a bit more awake, thanks to caffeine a bit of forced concentration. I got Power’s microsite…
May 14, 2003
Just realized I had saved these entries as 05/15/2003. See what I mean about my whole time perception thing getting all fuzzy?
May 14, 2003
Well, some good progress. While I’m not ecstatic about the animation I’m doing, there is a bit of XML-driven animation that I’m particularly proud of. For each of the "artist" sections on this microsite, the info is all driven by XML files; in particular, the "extras" section for each artist creates new buttons based on the number of links it…
May 14, 2003
*yawn* Back to it.
May 13, 2003
Stayed late at work. Came home late . Ate dinner late. Next thing I know, I’m waking up on the couch.
May 13, 2003
Drank a cup of coffee earlier, and then promptly staggered over to the couch for a nap. A bit ago, I downed some RC Cola, and that seems to have done the trick. Who knew? Ahhh. 2:32 AM. The most productive time of the day. :D You awake out there? Talk to me, dammit! (153997726)
May 12, 2003
Reading today’s entries, even my writing is listless and unfocused. This does not bode well. Guess this means I should make some strong coffee.
May 12, 2003
This is, I’m convinced, a really fun site. But I’ve only succeeded in accessing a few puzzles here and there. Most of the time, the server was buggy – possibly due to the amount of traffic? Try playing a few games. I suspect it’s highly addictive, though I haven’t been able to play more than two or three in a…
May 12, 2003 is open for business again! An amazing resource for Flash developers. Really happy to see all those valuable threads up and running again. edit: In looking back, I just realized that I’ve been a member of WH since April, 2001! Holy crap!
May 12, 2003
work work work work work. I spent part of this morning looking at the calendar, trying to plan out when my late nights are going to be this week. Process of elimination – tonight’s going to be one of them. *goes to make coffee*