June 30, 2003
On my train ride back to work, this guy took me by surprise. At a stop, the doors opened, he walked in and walked right up to me. Without missing a beat, he started speaking Chinese to me and was asking directions. I ended up having to stand up, say "Uhm…" and proceeded to fumble my way around two languages….
June 30, 2003
I hop on a Metra train downtown this morning, around 7 AM. I haven’t ridden the Metra in ages, although I used to take it daily when I commuted into Barrington for work. Today, I took it downtown, and it was a pretty nostalgic sort of thing, to be on that train once again after all this time. I showed…
June 30, 2003
I went back and updated the pics from Kent’s party. Take a peek.
June 29, 2003
Unfortunately, Kent’s friend wasn’t able to make it. On top of that, a lot of folks were out of town, travelling, so it was a rather small and intimate group. There wasn’t a bachelor party ever in the works, but Saturday night was more of a spontaneous get-together. Dave, Kent and I hung around the apartment for a bit. We…
June 29, 2003
I’ve got a super early morning tomorrow. Jim is coming into town bright and early (7:45 AM), and MaryAnn and I are going to meet up for breakfast downtown.
June 29, 2003
By staying home today, I missed out on attending the Gay Pride Parade, where my friend Matt holds an annual party streetside (translation: lots of coolers with lots of booze), and where Q101 has its own float. I got this picture from Rey at work. Sorry I didn’t attend, but at least you got a taste.
June 29, 2003
I got home around 5:45 AM. Slept all day, and now my system is out of whack. I’ve got some pictures, but I’ll have to post them later. I spent most of today on the couch, or sleeping, or sleeping on the couch. :|
June 28, 2003
I got a note from Kent a few days back, about a friend of his being in town. There weren’t plans to have any sort of bachelor party but, since a good friend of his was coming into Chicago… he tried to gather some folks up, last minute.
June 28, 2003
This is from yesterday, taken in Midway, walking back to the trains.
June 27, 2003
I met up with my uncle and cousin this evening; I was surprised to find out they were in town, and we met up for dinner. They’re staying quite a ways away from downtown Chiago (a good 10 minutes from Midway, in another county even). They had already hiked into the city and, since they were going to be returning…
June 27, 2003
I gotta say – I did a Google Image search for cockroach, and one of the pictures that came up led me to this site. I was a bit surprised, and ended up going through a lot of the photos. Next thing I know, it’s like 30 minutes later.
June 27, 2003
We were discussing travelling to different countries during one of our meetings this week at work. Jill brought up an experience she had while in Israel, about finding a cockroach hidden away in her suitcase. She stressed that it had wings, and started flying around. A side comment Justin made had me on the floor, rolling. :D Matt: The ones…
June 26, 2003
Justin, Ben and I hung out after work for what started off as a few drinks. We got to talking about work and computer stuff, and ended up going back to Justin’s for more conversation. Before the night was over, we all did the trusting confessional thing, as well as the "here’s my artistic aesthetic" thing. Good talks overall, despite…
June 25, 2003
Sometimes, I flip through this blog after I get done posting. Party to review what I wrote for the day, but also to look over what the past week, the past month has been like. I’ve been going to sleep around 2 AM this entire week, so what the hell… why should tonight be any different? Anyhow, as I was…
June 25, 2003
My friend Ben mentioned going out boozing tomorrow night. I’ve had a drink or two with him, but never gone out with the clear intention of outright intoxication. Should be interesting. I’ll take some pictures. :)