A Three Hour Cruise

The whole office got to go on a relaxing cruise today. We typically have what are called "Stress Buster" meetings on the first of the month, where food is catered in… that sort of thing. Because it’s summer (and because my company rocks), we got to spend this meeting on a boat, touring the lake a bit.

Schoolbuses. I’m going to lose all my previous memory of these vehicles, and start to associate with alcohol pretty soon.


Here it is, the Mystic Blue. A pretty big-sized boat (and by far the biggest one I’ve been on).


As soon as I could, I hopped outside for some picture taking. This is looking out from the dock area (we haven’t started moving yet).


A lot of cloud cover over the city. Not the ideal day for a cruise, but it made for a pretty incredible backdrop.


The softer side of Joey.


Upon request, Joey shows off the "pocket sip" method of beer drinking.


Ben took this picture of me, after lamenting that there are never shots of me on my blog since I’m always the one taking photos.

Heh. Little does he know about my adults-only, membership area.


View of Navy Pier, on our way farther out.


One of the tall ships in town.


The famous Chicago skyline. Obscured. :|


This thing measures the airspeed, temperature, and the thing on the right spins around because it’s a… uh… radar… thingy… and that round object at the top is there to… er… store peanut butter sandwiches in case…

I saw this thing on the top deck.


I sat on the stairs leading to the upper deck, and snapped a few shots. As I was sitting and shooting, Cathie got the same idea.


Last one, I promise.




I wanna marry a lighthouse keeper and live by the side of the…



Ben and Anthony, gossiping about Justin.


Katie and… and… Dang! She told me her name, but I was pretty tipsy by this point. I remember the gryphon tattoo on her arm she showed me but…

*hangs head*

I suck at remembering names.


Matt commands Mariella’s hair to get whispy in the wind.


Anthony and Justin, gossiping about Ben.


Me: You want to go on the bridge?
Matt: What’s the bridge?
Me: You never watched Star Trek?
Matt: A little…
Me: You call yourself a programmer? Turn in your nerd badge. Now!


I happened to find the bridge as I was looking for the bathroom, actually. Next thing I know, I’ve roped in Katie and Matt, along with Fook, and we all head in together.


Arr! It’s driving me nuts!


I am very drunk at this point.


The captain is a good guy, and seemed to humor us drunk radio folks fairly well.


Fook convinces the captain to let him take the mic. He then informs everyone we’re heading out to sea.


Katie, pulling off the Captain’s hat look in a way that I could not.


Water, water, everywhere. And a lot of drinks.


Coming back in to dock.

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