
I haven’t had all that much food today. I munched a bit on some peanuts earlier in the day, and drank a ton of juice again. Towards the evening, I had two apples. No actual meals, but I scraped together a bit of this and that.

For most of the day, I’ve been on the futon, under some thick blankets. This afternoon, I ventured out in my car and stopped off at Best Buy and Blockbuster, to get some movies. I bought the first season of Family Guy (thanks to a gift certificate from my sister and her boyfriend), and rented a few pulpy action movies from Blockbuster.

Man, driving around this afternoon was very daunting. The dizzy/fever thing seems to kick in at certain points. Sometimes, it’s very noticeable (especially if I turn my head too quickly); other times (like now), it’s barely there. But circling a crowded parking lot for 15 minutes trying to catch a spot was pretty trying.

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