Wait For It… Wait For It…

A few hours from the next year, and I’m sitting here in my slippers and bathrobe, sipping juice. I woke up feeling markedly improved (no real fever today), but I’ve still got the cough and a bit of a headache from the sinuses. I was half tempted to go out carousing with Liz and Steph tonight, who invited me to celebrate New Year’s with them at Exit. And believe you me, I was pretty tempted.

But when I took one peek out the door, I immediately thought to myself “No way.” So instead, I’m holing up and maybe watching the ball drop on TV. If that. Hell, I may just watch a movie and let the New Year slip in unnoticed.

Man, I think I need to start writing in this thing earlier in the day. I just seem to lose steam right around this point in the evening.

Have a happy New Year’s Eve, everyone! Take cabs, and throw down an extra drink for me. :)

See you all next year…

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