December 19, 2003
Justin brought some of these into the office a month or two back. Last Tuesday, the two of us were out and about shopping for gifts and happened into a nearby Whole Foods store. I remembered this snack (dried peas, coated in a layer of wasabi) and got a small bagful. Been munching them all night.
December 19, 2003
On my way in, I originally spotted some kind of sticker that made some witty statement about “radio.” I got a few steps beyond it, decided to break out my camera, and turned around. Lo and behold, as I walked back to where I was moments ago… I see this: This particular sticker is close to one facing south, about…
December 19, 2003
Sometime around midnight last night, my heat went out. Mike stopped in sometime during the work day, and got everything going again. He’s a friend who also does a lot of maintenance work on the apartments that Ted (my landlord) owns. Steph works for Ted as well. There’s a lot of circularity here. :) In addition to fixing the heat,…
December 18, 2003
On the way home, Justin and I split a cab. Contrary to how we normally travel back from work, I was the one who was dropped off first. As I got off at the corner of North and Wood, I tried to hand Justin my last $5. He wanted nothing to do with it, and demanded I give him nothing….
December 18, 2003
After work, all of us (Rey, Justin, Ben, Tony, me) all had a few drinks and did the whole geek/tech thing. Before 8:00 PM, I had a good four shots in my belly. The noise/atmosphere wasn’t exactly condusive to collaboration, but we managed to hit a lot of interesting topics (shifting from Freud to station identity to scalability). We had…
December 18, 2003
I snapped this while on the way to our departmental Christmas dinner, yesterday. It’s not something I notice, since I tend to be walking away from the Mart when I leave. It was nice to see things from a different/new perspective.—–——–
December 18, 2003
Every year, around this time, the Sales department puts on a rather remarkable breakfast. Sometime shortly after 9/11, instead of getting a ton of catered food… they decided to host/do everything themselves. From about 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM, it’s a striclty Sales-Only party. But after that, they open the doors and invite everyone else in the station. Whatever you…
December 17, 2003
My friend Ben pointed out to me that, since I update late at night, having a button to today’s entry is sorta pointless. Unless you’re checking at 11:30 PM and magically catch me in that middle ground. In lieu of making this Flash based, I’m utilizing PHP to track down today’s date, and making a link from there. Though this…
December 17, 2003
WOOHOO! Welcome to version 2 of the blog. More includes, and a cleaner code base! While I’m not sold on the colors just yet, I’m pretty excited to have things more organized. I’m sure there’s broken stuff here and there. I’ll be cleaning things up as the week continues. In the meanwhile, enjoy!
December 16, 2003
Still mucking around. Late late tonight, expect a new version. :) —–——–
December 15, 2003
Since yesterday, I’ve been unable to stop playing "Priests and Paramedics" from Pedro the Lion. I’m not necessarily in this really somber mood, but it’s slow and incredibly melodic… and despite the dark lyrics, I’m finding myself unable to stop singing along.
December 15, 2003
So far, nothing new to show. Sorry for the lack of content, but this is all I got. Well, I do have a really old "Under Construction" .gif somewhere… but I’ll spare you that.
December 14, 2003
Sorry. Tinkering with things under the hood. Nothing to show. Yet. :)
December 13, 2003
Drove out to Barrington, to Rey’s house for his Christmas party. A ridiculous amount of food was available, and I ate a ridiculous amount of it. At one point, I had to remove myself from the kitchen because they just kept bringing out more and more desserts. There were a ton of folks inside this place, and the entire evening…
December 13, 2003
The Official Shotgun Rules: brought to you in part by Will Henderson, Shotgun Gaper extraordinaire.