December 13, 2003
Dug around looking for info on PHP today. I’m trying to use TextPad to make pages, and I was looking to see if there was any particular color-coding scheme that was considered industry standard. The times I see examples of php on forums, they tend to automatically jump off the screen for me – I seem to be able to…
December 12, 2003
by Felix Jung Resting on a wooden dock, I’m seventeen, flat pressed against the grain, the water inches from my back. The stars are pale and seem to hang against the black,removed, but close enough for me to touch. I’m talking with a girl, our hands half-folded on our chests. We see the first blur by and there’s a gasp….
December 12, 2003
Around 12:30 AM, the phone rings. When I pick up, I hear a drunken Juliet saying hello, with much noise and mirth in the background. Over the next 15 minutes, I’m invited to a New Year’s party by Jesseca, I talk to someone I may have met three years ago, and I hear one of Akhim’s fantasies (involving elves and…
December 12, 2003
Lately, I’ve been (slowly) reading my way through Moon Palace, by Paul Auster. After digging around on the blog a bit this evening, I realized that I first purchased this book about a year ago. I ended up storing the book on top of my fridge, forgot about it, and only got around to cracking the book open a few…
December 12, 2003
I’ve been affected by this book in several ways, despite the fact that I haven’t purchased it yet. Originally, I was quite taken by the Flash piece that was released to herald the book’s publication. I also happened across this book during the last twelvestone get-together. Thanks to mowgli88 for jarring my memory.
December 12, 2003
On my way to work, I noticed two men painting part of the bridge on Wells. I stopped, and asked if I could take their pictures. At first, they were both a bit wary. But after assuring them of my good intentions, they relented. As I was setting up, the gentleman on the right started to try to spur his…
December 11, 2003
I think that was the approximate name of the opening theme. Or the gallery. Or something. It was a small space, but kinda nice. There weren’t a lot of people, and I got the impression that everyone in attendance knew everyone else. I shifted in and out of conversations, as Justin and Emma seemed to know a lot of folks…
December 11, 2003
Snapped this on our way out. Justin’s always ready to pose. :) Actually, this is 2-3 drinks into the night, sans dinner. We were on our way to the cab stand, and about to pick up Emma. Justin and Emma were on their way to some gallery opening, and I decided to tag along.
December 11, 2003
You can feel the holidays creeping into everyday office life. Perhaps it’s just that things are starting to die down, somewhat. A lot of my work is subsiding and, regardless of the request… my tasks are starting to lose their intensity, their immediacy. Today, I had a fairly relaxing day overall. I attended to a lot, but took most everything…
December 11, 2003
Last night, as I was updating the blog… I had two big glasses of RC Cola. I was fairly thirsty at the time I was updating, and decided I wanted a little something more than water. By the time I got done with the computer and was in bed… I tossed and turned the rest of the night. Around 4:30…
December 10, 2003
I was clicking around their site a bit, looking for pictures of their buses. Saw the employee section, and got past the login "security." Jeez – why even bother "protecting" these pages, if you’re gonna do it this way?
December 10, 2003
Ahahaha! Almost forgot about this. At one point in the evening, I stepped out to get some fresh/cold air. This helped me somewhat, as I wasn’t feeling all that well. As I stood and watched the snow falling, this bus pulled by with the words LAMERS written across its side. As I was doubled over laughing, another one drove by…
December 10, 2003
I ducked out somewhat early, and left at the same time with Ben. Grabbed a cab and came back to my apartment. By the time I got in the door, I felt a bit better. I crashed out on the couch for a good two hours, and by the time I woke up again… I felt fine. Initially, I was…
December 10, 2003
Wow. My own blog just sort of took me by surprise. Not only am I able to remember/pinpoint specific moments of my own life… I realized I can do the same pinpointing, to a somewhat limited extent, for my friends. I actually know the exact day Justin got a digital camera? Damn.
December 10, 2003
A switch this year, as we had a very nice meal in a restaurant (last year it was a bowling alley). No gambling this year for me, thank God. He can be taught, ladies and gentlemen. We were at Magnum’s, and we had a very intimate upstairs room. Prior to this, our group knocked off a little early and went…