Archive for December, 2003


I’ve got nothing for you. Sorry. Work was nutty, and I had about twenty different things thrown at me. When there’s a lot to be done, some days you feel really productive. Other days, like today, you feel a little suffocated. For some reason, I was highly stressed out by everything I had to complete. Nothing big, nothing earth-shattering… but…


December Insomnia

by Felix Jung Under this rubble of blankets, I rub my feet like a man trying to spark fire from sticks. An oak is waving a thick hand beyond my window, sifting through the moonlight. Outside, I hear street lamps charging, each bulb a violinist holding to a thin, emotive note. The furnace yawns and in response the metal vents…


After Play, We Work

As soon as we got back to the office, everyone was in a flurry. For the rest of the afternoon (we didn’t get back in until around 1:30 PM, with the movie starting at 10:00 AM), Ben, Justin and I just kept working. No food, and one break for more coffee. And a constant progress until late in the evening….


LOTR: The Return Of The King

I’ve been thinking about this entry a lot today. Instead of describing this movie in ways that others have described this trilogy (sweeping, epic, monumental), I’m just going to say that I had a TON of fun watching this movie. Overall, I was particularly taken by the audio effects throughout, and I would most definitely urge you to see this…


Don’t Even Think About It

I was downtown, waiting to see an advanced showing of The Return of the King. I got to the theater earlier than I expected, so I just roamed around for a while to kill time. On my way, I came across a Salvation Army stand, sans bucket and sign. All that was there was the red pole and, on closer…


Circle of Life

Even better? That day, last December was when I snuck off with Ben to see the second Lord of the Rings movie. And you know what? Guess what I’m going to see tomorrow morning? :)


How To Draw Felix

Funny – I got this from Justin almost a year ago. As we were wrapping up the day, he came over and started doodling on the whiteboard. His exact words were, when I pulled out the camera, "I would have done a better job if I knew you were going to document this."


Long Day

work work work work Got in the office around 11 AM, left around 11:30 PM. Two day weekends are for suckers.


Tron 2.0: Screenshots

I heard about this game a long while ago, and got my hands on a copy a week or so back. Been playing it off and on, and the environment is absolutely gorgeous. I’m not crazy about the storyline, but… listen to me. Like I’m even paying any fucking attention to plot while I’m playing this thing. This is Tron!…


A Little Recovery, A Lotta Loafing

Spent most of today lazing. Partly from the copious amounts I threw down last night, and party in preparation for tomorrow. I’m heading in to work, and I’m thinking I want to go in super early. We’ve been in the process of giving one of our stations a complete overhaul, so we’ve been doing a ton of cleanup work. Alex…



Left to right, it’s Sara, Steph and Chelsea (the birthday girl). Tonight was the first time I met Sara… and after being around her and Chelsea for, like, 5 minutes… it was a little scary. The two of them share the same energy, the same openness, the same extroversion. The two of them in the same room together seems like…


Chelsea’s Birthday

So the bowling place we were scheduled for (The Lucky Strike) had a private party, and so no one was able to get to the lanes. To top it off, the second destination of the evening (Delilah’s) had a party that took over the upstairs… so everyone was forced to make do downstairs, huddled around the bar. I hung out…