On The Way To Work
I could have gotten a better image, but I rushed myself. Instead of waiting around, I tried to snap a quick pic of this woman smoking. Had I stuck around another 2 minutes, I’m sure I would have gotten a better shot.
I could have gotten a better image, but I rushed myself. Instead of waiting around, I tried to snap a quick pic of this woman smoking. Had I stuck around another 2 minutes, I’m sure I would have gotten a better shot.
Justin and I walked to Santullo’s for a slice of pizza, and some good talks. En route, we talked about women and relationships, hit the whole "love" topic, and had a good back and forth. Originally, I was going to bring food home and hole up in my apartment… but ended up hanging out with Justin and talking more. We…
Justin and I put in a good day, and called it quits around 8:30 PM. Today, I didn’t get an extraordinary amount done… but I was consistent, and making progress. I feel really good about the work I’ve been doing, and feel a strong sense of satisfaction at the end of the day. When it comes down to it, you…
Deb bought this doll a long, long while ago, as a tribute to Justin. Technically, Justin’s not even around at work. He’s considered "underground," and working on developing a suite of network-wide, enterprise-level tools. A content management system, if you will. But, lately, he’s been pulled back into the day-to-day tasks, and has been taking on a lot of grunt…
by Felix Jung It’s only late at night, driving, that we seethese lonely, wiry towers. They’re always far from cities, planted by the outskirts of a farm where even crows won’t bother roaming. The metal is skeletal, a thin tree denuded of its leaves and branches. Along its spine are bursts of light, tiny pulsars flickering against the black. Once…
I’m listening to Tori Amos (specifically, Little Earthquakes) for the first time in years. I used to have this album on cassette, and played it constantly in high school. I’m really digging hearing her voice again, after all this time. I lost interest around Boys for Pele, and now I’m thinking I need to go back and get caught up…
dsnhaus: i want to make a children’s book with you.portnoy: lol – I remember we had that agreementdsnhaus: nowdsnhaus: here’s what i’m thinking… dsnhaus: 10-18 pages, no more than 20 words per page.portnoy: damn – sounds like you’ve got things worked out.dsnhaus: you gotta start somewhere.portnoy: I’d love to do this – totally and absolutely. dsnhaus: i’m just kidding about…
This was on my way over to Cathie’s house. I was stopping by to help her import all her old e-mails and contacts into Outlook. All in all, we spent an hour getting old files back up and running, installing updates and putting in a new video card. On the train to her place though, I spotted a woman reading…
As I was leaving, I found out there was a slew of "adult toys" on the floor in the Promitions/Marketing department. I went back and found Ryan stuffing all these things into bags to take over to Diamonds – a strip club that happens to be one of Q101’s clients. I love my job. I really, really do.
Seriously, who wants one? I’ve got like 12 of them. Send me your address, and I’ll ship one out to ya. :) And don’t say I never did anything for you!
As I was working late this morning, Matt comes up behind me and asks if I want a bunch of razors. Of course, my reply was "Are you trying to tell me something?" But, as it turns out… he just had a lot of razors to give away. Excess promotion items. One of the perks of working in the Radio…
Wowzers. Got this link via e-mail, and talk about getting immersed! A ton of amazing work. Take a peek at the Wooster Collective, but make sure you’ve got some time set aside. Once you go in, it’ll be a while before you’ll be able to pull away. While you’re perusing, be sure to check out You Are Beautiful’s Essential Guide…
For lunch, we went to Erie Cafe, where there was a forum? Roundtable? Discussion? focusign on Fair Use (and the Internet, loosely). We were, I must say, the only people in the room who didn’t have suits on. Pretty damn funny. Most everyone else was a lawyer, and somewhat older I might add. At lunch was me, Jill, Rey, Ben…