Archive for January, 2004

Not Quite Late Night Drunken Phone Call

I got a call from Jim, Meg, Matt and Juliet. They sounded like they were on the cusp of drunkenness, but still somewhat in control. As Matt put it, they wanted to get their call out to me before it got too late. The best quote I heard was from Jim: Was that a real fart? Because I felt that…


Motivation or Egotism?

Tonight, I’ve spent my time looking over old poems and reading them out loud. There’s no real audience, unless you want to count me reading them for me. I like hearing the words sounded out, and when I come across a poem I’m particularly fond of I’m often try to read it out loud. I think a big part of…



Apparently, the windows in the kitchen that I thought I had sealed are like sieves. I ended up covering those with plastic as well, and I think my apartment is finally somewhat winterized. Haven’t done much tonight – just putzed around at home, and worked on the blog. Whatever was looming over me this morning has come back, and all…


Cold Cold Cold

This is the Chicago River, mostly frozen over. There was a neat circular patch, and I damn near froze my fingers off fiddling with the camera.


What We Take For Granted

This morning, on the Blue Line, I noticed a man standing across the aisle from me, leaning against the door. He had on a worn coat, and tucked into the left pocket of his jacket was an old school oil can (the kind that has a manual tab to release more oil). He was staring off, half-looking out the door…


Alright, Fine

On looking over things just now… as I’m typing these words, and making this entry on my blog… I realize how silly that last line was.


I Need to stop listening to this song

Lately, I’ve fallen back into the habit of looping a song by Mojave 3. called Prayer for the Paranoid. My whole looping problem has gotten to the point where I’ll burn a CD just so I can listen to the same damn song play while I’m in the shower. I’m not sure why it is, but when I get stuck…


So tired

Stayed late at work with Justin and Deb. The one plus about tonight was that we ordered sushi, and Deb spotted the bill (woohoo!). I’m pretty happy by the fact that this week is fast approaching an end. Right now, I’m feeling pretty damn tired. In fact, I’m heading to sleep as soon as I finish this entry. :) Got…


In Retrospect

I probably should have gone straight to bed. I’m sipping on a beer, I’ve given up on the idea of any sort of dinner, and I’ve gotten a few entries made on the blog. It’s about 3:33 AM now, and I’m calling it a night. Meeting bright and early, 9:00 AM sharp tomorrow. Er, today. Woot.


Relax, Willya?

I don’t know why it is I can’t seem to leave work unfinished. Partly, I think it’s because I know someone’s going to see this thing I’m working on… and I don’t like people seeing work half-completed. It reflects poorly on me, it looks like crap, and inevitably someone’s going to want to “change” something because they’re only seeing the…



work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work…



by David Ignatow Wherever I go,into food stores,into the john to pissI am haunted by the poemyet to be written,that I may live as a poemwhen I die as a man.


Public Domain Photo Database

I was experiencing some serious lag issues with my host, and decided to post to the Community Forum, asking other users for some help. Next thing you know, my site is up and screaming again… no more lag, and everything’s back to how it was about a month ago. Awesome. –edit–Actually, the lag is back now. :( –edit– As I…