March 31, 2004
Justin and I spent a good part of tonight hanging out at the Artful Dodger. We talked some about work but drifted into art, our friends, the hunger that seemingly drives all of us… and made our way to topics beyond computers and our day to day work crap. Actually, the conversation was very good. Too often, we get sucked…
March 31, 2004
March 30, 2004
The Music Animation Machine. Big thanks to persist, for some very kind words about my Glenn Gould experiment, and for offering up the link to Stephen Malinowski’s work. You have to (HAVE to) see these QuickTime videos. Take the time to download them and just sit back and enjoy. You’ll need a program to unzip the files (like winzip or…
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 29, 2004
I elected to walk home, just because I spend so much time sitting that I wanted to stretch my legs a bit. On the way back, I tried to find Bryan J. Hyman’s sign but discovered it was missing.
March 29, 2004
I met up with Mary for a few drinks at Danny’s. We met here a few months back, when we were celebrating Christine’s birthday. I had a good time talking with her about art and the whole creation process in general. To my shame, I was apparently almost 15 minutes late meeting her, even though I left my place a…
March 29, 2004
March 29, 2004
As I left Mary, Elizabeth and Elaina… I walked by the funeral home on Wood and Cortland. On the balcony, I noticed this huge, almost surreal Easter Bunny – the kind that’s inflated by a generator and lit from the inside. I stopped to take a picture of it, got out my camera, and just as I did so… the…
March 29, 2004
I was making my way to Danny’s, and as I was walking up Wood I came across the neighborhood Ice Cream Truck. Keep in mind now, this was around 7:50 PM. Believe it or not, I was actually happy to hear its playful jingle and got to see the thing up close and personal. I’ve lived in this area for…
March 29, 2004
I woke up this morning somewhat cold. Flipped on the television and saw that it was in the lower 40’s. Cold, right? So I hop in the shower, go through the routines, and by the time I walk outside I’m wrapped up in my winter coat. At some point before I step out, I check the weather again and find…
March 28, 2004
I’ve been unmotivated all day today. I have things to get done (for work), but the energy and enthusiasm simply isn’t there. Part of that is due to a lack of personal connection/interest in the subject at hand, but a bigger part of it lies in the fact that I’m working. On a weekend. Again. Because I’m unmotivated and uninvolved…
March 27, 2004
I’ve spent most of today on the couch, recuperating. I woke up around 10 AM, got up, turned on the television, and stretched out on the couch. Let’s say that I spent the next several hours honing my skills at waking up. Lots of water, and though I felt crappy… it burned away fairly quickly. It’s already damn near 8…
March 26, 2004
After work, I met up with everyone for dinner (Chinatown) and ran back home to decompress. I got a call from everyone else (around ten-ish) and went back downtown to hang out. Lots of liquor, and a late night. I ended up strolling home around 3:30 or so. Sorry for the lack of details/pics. I’ll try to update when I…