April 30, 2004
At 1/Quarterly, I met up with Justin, Dave, and Camellia (who was in town for a conference). Also ran into Rob, who I found out a while ago also knows a lot of the folks related to the event. Plans were for us all to meet up at Beechwood, and grab a few drinks. And that we did. Chris and…
April 30, 2004
Steps leading up to the 1/Quarterly space. I’m glad I wasn’t drinking prior to this. The Version>04: invisibleNetworks convergence is an opportunity for creating connections between programmers, artists, scientists, musicians, filmmakers, activists, tactical media provocateurs, designers, architects, critical thinkers and culture workers of all kinds. The Version>04: invisibleNetworks convergence brings diverse groups together to share, communicate and organize while also…
April 30, 2004
As we walked into the restaurant, I noticed that the store next door was suddenly open. The storefront had been covered up for weeks, and just this morning… as I walked to work, it was uncovered. So tonight seemed to be the grand opening – some kind of clothing store. After dinner and some lounging around, I decided we should…
April 30, 2004
Our next stop was to be Lobby Gallery. I though it was fairly close, and within walking distance… so we ended up hoofing it again. We meandered our way to the general spot, but had trouble locating the actual building. We wandered around in the cold drizzle for what seemed like an age and, out of nowhere, I see Chelsea…
April 30, 2004
There are a lot of gallery shows going on tonight, and I had plans to run around with Chris and his roommates. The first show was at Schopf Gallery on Lake, and featured the work of a friend of Chris’ roommate. We hoofed it and, due to the cold, drizzly weather, us talking, and random photographs, we somehow managed to…
April 29, 2004
Check out the trailer for Wonderful Days. It’s a huge download (26MB), but very worth it. I promise. Thanks to craftymind, who first mentioned this on twelvestone.
April 29, 2004
Today, I noticed an “Exit” sign for the first time. I’ve been working at my current job now for closing in on two years now. And I happened to look up, and I see this Exit sign that’s not more than 20 feet away from where I sit. Where I’ve been sitting for some 18 months or so. Our office…
April 29, 2004
Looks like my dance card on Friday is going to be pretty packed. I’m hanging out with Chris and his friends after work, and we’re all heading to some gallery (downtown) where a friend of his roommate is having a show. Should be a lot of fun, as I don’t know where I’m going or what to expect. I found…
April 28, 2004
The shape of the world in the link (above) reminded me a great deal of Safeplaces.net. This is an old link, but so, so good, even after all this time. Click around and explore. Lots of fun to be had.
April 28, 2004
Run ‘n Roll. A fun game, a bit like Mario Kart. One person mode, as well as multiplayer. Strong use of Flash, and very smooth throughout.
April 28, 2004
I got back from lunch, and saw this on my keyboard. I have no idea who put it there (edit: Thanks, Justin!), but got a great kick out of seeing this. Apparently, it’s some promotional piece for a band. On the back of this sticker, it lists a band called Idlewild. No idea who they are or what they do….
April 28, 2004
This image is courtesy Kent, who spotted it on our walk to lunch. I ended up coming back to this spot later on in the day, and I’m still not entirely happy with the shot. There was some serious wind kicking around (I ended up clinging to a nearby stairwell, worried I’d get bowled over at one point). So holding…
April 28, 2004
Kent gave a call today around noon, and stopped by the office. We palled around a while and decided we all should grab some food together. We headed over to a local Indian restaurant, that had a buffet-type lunch deal (Klay Oven). Turns out, this was damn near Kent’s last meal. He’s off to another city (Austin?) for his job…
April 27, 2004
After a few hours, Justin and I left the Chophouse and made our way back to the neighborhood. Still in the mood to drink some more, I decided we should stop off near my neck of the woods. I got to see Jamie briefly, which was nice since it’s been a while since I’ve been back to the Artful Dodger….
April 27, 2004
Hung out with my boss Rey, Brian (who helps us out on the hardware side in Indianapolis), and Justin. We stopped over at the Kinzie Chophouse (a nearby swanky steak restaurant, primarily reserved for visiting out-of-town guests) and had some drinks. A few hours later (and a few drinks later), we’re all talking politics. For my part, I listen a…