Mexico, Final Day!
This is an awesome shot, taken by Justin. This really captures the feel of the street.
Amaranto, view from the street.
View up the street (North).
View down the street (South).
Everyone met up in Ben’s room, for a cup of coffee.
Ben’s view. This room was so big, we all probably could have slept in here fairly easily.
Bizcocho joins us for the morning coffee.
And here we are, a brief cab ride later. It’s something like 6:30AM and we’re the only people here (outside of the workers who are straightening up the place). We are at Chankanaab Park, which cost us about $10 to get in, but soooo worth it. The place is huge, but if you’re going snorkelling… this is the place. Chankanaab made yesterday’s snorkelling spot look like somebody’s backyard pool.
The coast was gorgeous, partly due to the breaking sun and partly due to the fact that we were the only ones around. I’m incredibly glad we called it an early night, got some rest, and got up early today.
Ben, right around where we were to set up camp.
Justin, about to head in.
After a while, I started to wander around the place. As happened yesterday, I got pretty seasick after a bit. But I got a pretty decent pattern down. I went in and swam around for a bit. When I felt nauseous, I climbed out and sat until I didn’t feel like puking. Then, I got back in.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t see that terribly well. My eyesight in general is pretty bad and, without glasses, I couldn’t see things as clearly. Don’t get me wrong – I saw some awesome fish and coral, but everything was slightly fuzzed out due to my eyesight.
Floating there in the water, squinting to see things and slightly nauseous from the waves, I determined that I pretty much screamed out “Hey, something come and attack me.” I doubt there’s much else in the sea that just floats around, seasick and half-blind.
Seriously though, I had a blast. I had missed a really cool spot that Justin ended up showing me later on, and that made all the difference. Fish everywhere! Next time I go snorkelling, I need to get some disposable contacts and take some Dramamine before gettingin the water.
All through the park, there were wells dotting the place.
No idea what this is. I just thought it was purdy.
See what I mean? Cats everywhere!
Pathway around the lagoon, a sinkhole filled from the sea by underground tunnels.
View over the lagoon.
Ben, checking out the coral and fish.
Here’s me, no longer feeling too seasick. Although… I guess I *do* look a bit yellow.
Ha! Did you see that? I made a funny!
Aaaand this is what we did for the rest of the day.
A guy could get used to this.
Base camp. Every once in a while, someone would walk by asking if we wanted water or beer or food.
Here’s me, dreaming of laptops, satellite-based Internet connections, and relocating our division to this beach.
Ben and Justin, taking an early siesta.
This is what things looked like, from where I was sitting.
Ben, snapping a shot of me half-asleep.
Random boat that sailed by. It’s hard to tell in this image, but they had a crapload of people on board.
A bird that wandered near our camp.
You know, iguanas have blogs too.
Much later on in the day, we’re all back home. After a shower and a brief hour plus nap (yes, we had to nap. Sleeping all day wears a guy out, you know?) we m
et up again for some coffee and dinner plans.
Sitting at our outside table, I noticed Mike’s (one of the other residents who had a bungalo) wet suit, hanging out to dry. As far as I could tell, he was here alone and just diving for fun. Seeing that suit that struck me as really odd and really cool at the same time.
Bizcocho, guarding the premises with alertness and vigilence.
Here’s me, showing how excited I am that I got stuck with the stupid “hearts” coffee mug.
Ben and Justin, checking their cameras and going over pics.
We end up going to Chozo (at least, I think that was the name of the place). Mike had recommended the restaurant when we first arrived. And Ben, unable to sleep when we got back to our rooms, spent the afternoon wandering around the neighborhood. He had passed by the place, and knew how to get here.
For all that I’ve done on this vacation, I really regret not taking time out and just wandering the area. While we stayed on Cozumel for two days, I didn’t get a very good feel of the place, really. I feel like I took a lot of vacation-y pictures, and would have liked to have gone walking around, like Ben did.
Ah well, next time. :)
After dinner, we headed out to Downtown San Miguel and just wandered the square. Very touristy area, with lots of street vendors selling airbrush art, temporary henna tattoos and offers to braid hair. Yet again, Ben and Justin offered to pay for the braids, as long as I would consent.
I happened to see a few small prints that I wanted, but they were a bit too pricey for me (in retrospect, I should have bought them). Shopped around, and got a nice gift.
Seeing this wall of crosses made me stop for a moment. Crosses abound in Cozumel. I don’t think I ever got into a cab that didn’t have one, dangling from the rearview.
After walking around and seeing most of the shops close up, we stopped at a small local bar and ordered some Sol beers. It was a 2 for 1 deal, and by the end of the night, we had put down a good numbers (super cheap, all things considered).
They had, over the loudspeakers, some pretty terrible American rock-n-roll. I was able to convince the server, in Spanish, to turn down the music. I was able to communicate pretty well with him, I think. Found out that they closed at 2AM (I was worried they were staying open just for us).
As the night progressed, we went from our soft talking to belting out snippets of heavy metal ballads. There are a few videos floating around of us singing (and we weren’t even THAT drunk).
But you won’t find those videoes here.
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