Archive for June, 2004

Love Again?

Yesterday, I came across this sticker. I’ve seen one or two of these in other parts of town, but I can’t tell if it’s some promotional thing, or what. I think some part of me is secretly hoping I’ll discover something as cool as the You Are Beautiful stickers again. So I did a search, to see if I could…


Jenny, Dan, Andrew

Tonight, I had dinner with Jenny (my cousin), Dan and their boy Andrew (my nephew who I met for the first time). A few notes. First, as has been the custom in my family (and I think most Chinese families in general)… the actual definition of “uncle” or “auntie” is pretty loose. When I was a kid, when a friend…


La Santisima Muerte

Came across this parked right on North and Wood. Not sure what it was all about, but snapped a few pics. On walking by, it looked at first glance like a regular ambulance. But on closer inspection, all the skulls sort of gave it away. Odd vehicles sure do enjoy parking in this spot. As far as I can tell,…



Not feeling too terribly chipper. No idea where this came from, but I haven’t been able to shake it, since about 3:00PM or so. I tried looking over some old poems. I tried surfing around some. Can’t seem to get rid of it. I don’t really feel like working on the blog tonight, so I’m calling it an early night….



This won’t make much sense, unless you work for Emmis. I think I’m just going to leave it at that.



After work, Justin and I popped over to Matt’s neck of the woods and met up with him for some drinks. This is a shot of the Brown Line tracks, which we followed to get to the bar. Tha.Riddla. Justin, talking about Bloomington. This is the view from our table, looking out at the rest of the outside patio. And…


Unexpected Photoshoppery

Today, over email, one of our webmasters *cough* Amanda *cough* sent this image out to everyone in the division. Pretty funny stuff. Although this strikes me, potentially, as a call to war. In the coming weeks, I can see a lot of photoshopped images being sent back and forth. While Ben and Justin posed for this silly picture, I’m certain…


Mexico: Done!

Sweet Jebus. I’ve been sitting in front of my computer now for hours, updating this stuff. HOURS! I think all the Mexico stuff should be up and ready to go. For those who didn’t know about my vacation last week, check out the start of it all.