Politics in the workplace
Ok.So every week, we get this email. The email consists of a series of articles (for a network-shared section called “Career Channel”), which then have to be manually dumped into our Content Management System. Nothing terribly difficult, but it’s a chore that needs to be done. The articles come in as text files, and we run a few patterns, clean it up, and copy/paste into the appropriate areas.
A long while ago, Justin was the one who was doing this all the time. Eventually, this work was passed on to both me and Ben. For a while, he and I would go back and forth, taking turns. And eventually, we decided to spice things up and play Rock Paper Scissors to determine who had to do the grunt work.
Some months back, Chris joined our happy Interactive family.
And then there were three.
To determine which of us has to do the boring gruntwork of adding these articles, we play Rock Paper Scissors. With three people, there are two rounds. First round, the odd man gets an out. If, by some chance, everyone matches… play continues until there’s one person who doesn’t match – that person “wins,” and gets to leave the contest.
Second round, it’s traditional Rock Paper Scissors. Winner walks away, loser has to do all the updating.
And now, for your enjoyment… I give you the first recorded session (see if you can spot the paper boats right at the beginning).
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