Archive for October, 2004

The Day After

Jim, in his Jesus Christ Pose. This morning, everyone is very slow. And very quiet. Hangovers abound. En route home, I stopped off to get some gas somewhere in West Ohio. The whole road was a bit desolate, and I noticed a small group of birds nesting at the top of this sign. This was near the side of the…


Halloween, Muskingum Style

So it’s become sort of a tradition now, me travelling to Ohio for Halloween. I got a bit of a late start today (it’s roughly 7 or 8 hours from Chicago to Muskingum), and didn’t roll in until maybe 10PM or so. I’m greeted by Jim, getting his dance on. Matt, dressed as his own… sperm. Flagella and all. This…


Operation: The Costume

I did this costume once before, when I was living in Columbus. But that was before the blog, and before Chicago. I’mgiving this costume another go, and took some pics this time around. If you happen to be in Chicago and see me – feel free to walk right up and try to get some candy. Basic supplies – this…


Costume Status: Done!

The final layer of paint is drying as I type this. I have extra velcro. All the wiring is complete. Woot! Ah damn! I’m so excited. I totally want to post pics right now. The only thing I have left to do is to prep the candy, and I’m all set. Check back Friday morning. I promise you it’ll be…



For some reason, I was really taken with this building/construction. Snapped this during our walk back from lunch (after having run to the hardware store for some supplies).


Working from Home

From: Ben To: Felix, Chris, Justin, Matt Subject: WFH, and what that means for YOU! Hey guys, laura has an important appointment this afternoon and the baby sitter flaked on her – so i’m going to be here working from home. Here’s what that means for you: anti-bush / pro-kerry statements will be aired without rebuttal. chris – please send…


Mic in Track

The picture here is crappy, but you have to visit this site. Let me quote what this thing is all about: A “mic in track” is a recording made on a PC using MusicMatch Jukebox, a music utility packaged with many new PC’s that allows the user to record from the microphone input of the PC’s sound card and save…


…And Justice for All My loving

Beatallica: Metallica and the Beatles. Together at last! You need to check out these .mp3 files. Hey Dude and The Thing That Should Not Let It Be were cracking my shit up earlier tonight. Thanks to Lithium, for posting this site on twelvestone.


What is it with this bridge?

Yesterday, walking to and from Chelsea’s. I came across some really neat moments near the bridge on Kedzie that crosses the Chicago River. Today, walking back to work, I came across a small boat with three guys (one of them decked out in full scuba regallia). No idea what they were doing, or what they were searching for. Scientists studying…


Vince, Revisited

I skipped out again during lunch to check in on Chelsea’s cat, Vince. He’s doing just dandy. Today, he was even friendlier than before. I think he remembers who I am, and is no longer wary of me just showing up at the apartment. He was very affectionate, and didn’t even hesitate today to just walk right up to me.