Growth Pattern

This is a neat online exhibition, called Growth Pattern. Several artists in different mediums have approached this topic, and come up with their own pieces.

There are some big names here, and some truly creative work. The interface on its own kicks some serious ass. Try selecting a name more than once, and you’ll see that the main stage keeps dynamically building patterns without repeating. Cool stuff.

I got lost here for a good while. And it’s really inspired me. I know so very, very many talented people – in a variety of disciplines. I really want to do something like this. I want to create some kind of online gallery/exhibition space where all the amazingly talented friends I know can show off their creativity. It won’t be a collaborative arena I don’t think – more of a place where everyone can showcase their own interpretations.

I’m really excited by this idea. Not sure where it’s going to lead, but I really feel this might be more than one of those good ideas that invariably gets backburnered.

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