Returning to Writing

Dug through my poems today, and looked over my rather shoddy tracking system for submissions. I’m still unsure about the poems I sent to Many Mountains Moving and the Antioch Review. And this shit has been out there since April of this year.

I sent off an inquiry email to those two places, hoping I’d hear something back.

Tonight, I had designs to review my writing and send off some additional poems. Specifically, I was looking to respond to a rather encouraging rejection letter I received from the Indiana Review.

Instead, I held off on that and worked on gathering poems to send to the guy who runs the poetry reading at Danny’s. I was there a few weeks back, and talked to one of the organizers. Hopefully, this will prove more productive than the time I tried to get on the Myopic Poetry Series.

HA! On looking back, I’m realizing that the poems I chose tonight were almost identical to the ones I chose last September.

Elevators, Like God, Make No Promises
Instructions for a Tibetan Air Burial
The Middle Country
First Snow

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