February 28, 2005
I haven’t been good about updating lately, and a lot of stuff has happened – particularly friends who have either launched new sites or have new stuff for the world to see and enjoy. So here we go. My friend Mitch is in a band called The Shuteye Train, and they just released their CD. Check out the site, listen…
February 28, 2005
I haven’t mentioned this, despite the fact that it’s a pretty huge and tremendous thing that’s going to happen this week. A few months back, the company I work for (Emmis), recently acquired a second radio station here in Chicago. They own Q101, and the other station they got was The Loop. After a lot of planning and discussion, they’re…
February 28, 2005
Here’s the relocated bookshelf. This one holds all my poetry books, and anything writing-related (poetry anthologies, writers on writing, etc). Here’s a slight aside. A few weeks back, Matt and I talked about starting up our poetry exercises again. But this time… we weren’t interested in the daily, short poems. We wanted something a bit lengthier, and due maybe once…
February 28, 2005
I felt pretty lucky! Spotted this fantastic bike right outside the Division Blue Line stop. I got off here because I was returning a video to the nearby Blockbuster. Yes, yes, it was a DVD from the show Monk. But I’ll likely not do this again, because as of yesterday… I now have Netflix.
February 27, 2005
I finally decided to join Netflix tonight. I’ve heard a lot of good things from folks who have it, and I’ve been on the peripheral for a while now. Decided to take the dive tonight. Of course, first up on my list… I’m totally binging out on episodes of Monk. And I just found out THEY HAVE EPISODES OF NOVA….
February 27, 2005
February 27, 2005
I moved all the crap out of my office today. I had piles of paper and books piled up on every available space on my desk, up as high as my printer. I took another of my bookshelves, and moved it out by the kitchen to clear up some room. Before, it was all my anthologies, non-fiction and fiction books….
February 27, 2005
I’ve been bad about the blog stuff lately. I haven’t been going out a ton, but other things have distracted me from here. Which… honestly, I think is a good thing. I’m sitting in front of a freaking computer for a good number of hours every day. It’s been a bit liberating to just let the blog got to pot…
February 26, 2005
I tend to update this thing late at night. But, I try to be good about updating daily. Please check back later on. More likely than not, you’ll see something new on here.
February 25, 2005
I tend to update this thing late at night. But, I try to be good about updating daily. Please check back later on. More likely than not, you’ll see something new on here.
February 24, 2005
While waiting for the train home, I saw about four guards with their dogs waiting on the platform at Clark and Lake. After keeping my distance for a minute or two, I decided to approach them and asked a few questions. Honestly – this whole time, I thought they were part of some governmental force on the lookout for either…
February 24, 2005
Let me explain. About two years ago, Ben, Justin and I talked about sensory deprivation tanks. Well, as luck would have it we found a place in Chicago called SpaceTime Tanks, and off we went. Fast forward to today. Justin has a year-old coupon with a bunch of “floats” left on it. Five to be exact. Well, the expiration date…
February 24, 2005
A splash of color.
February 23, 2005
Swung by the California Clipper tonight, to hear Gretchen participate in a reading sponsored by The Guild Complex Gretchen – taking the mic. Post-reading, I hung out with Gretchen and Eric (who I first met at Gretchen’s birthday party, way back when). Really fun time throwing down drinks and hanging out, literary-style.
February 22, 2005
From: KashifTo: Emmis InteractiveSubj: Last Day Everyone, It has truly been a pleasure working in your company. This has been one of the more unique experiences in my Consulting career, where I see such a dynamic group of people enjoying each other’s company while staying productive. I am sad that this is the last day of my project but I…