Cleaning Up the Office
I moved all the crap out of my office today. I had piles of paper and books piled up on every available space on my desk, up as high as my printer. I took another of my bookshelves, and moved it out by the kitchen to clear up some room.
Before, it was all my anthologies, non-fiction and fiction books. Today, it was all the poetry and writing-related books. And a ton of CD’s, ancillary computer equipment, and random office supplies. For some inexplicable reason, I still have like two boxes of 5.25″ disks. Which I looked at, and then promptly stored again. I’m a total packrat I’ve realized.
Here’s the desk setup, all clean and proper. I need to get some thing for all the wires underneath, and maybe a nice fat dry-erase board for right next to my computer. That’d be sweet.
I’ve still got a lot of stuff to re-arrange, but hopefully I’ll be able to get more done tomorrow after work.
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