February 22, 2005
I should have taken a shot of the wall, prior to the sketching… but Artisan (the place where I get my coffee) commissioned a guy to do a few murals on their walls. This morning, I saw the preliminary outlines of the thing… and I’m hoping to document the process. Seeing as how I grab a redeye here every morning…
February 22, 2005
I think this might be some of RUOK’s work.
February 22, 2005
February 22, 2005
On walking out my door, I saw this balloon fluttering around on the other side of the street. Without thinking, I had my hand in my camera bag and began walking across the street (almost forgot to look for oncoming cars). The 5 year old in me is perpetually fascinated by balloons. I always seem to notice them after the…
February 21, 2005
I still haven’t been able to get to the pictures/entries from this weekend. I’d rather spend a bit more time, instead of just rushing and trying to quickly summarize (and gloss over) everything. I had a blast the past few days, and I want to make sure I do this weekend (and my memory) justice.
February 21, 2005
Kristen is going to be a part of the Chicago Kings’ 4th Annual Love Show. It’s this Saturday (February 26th): Logan Square Auditorium (18+)2539 N. Kedzie9:00 PM doors, show at 10PM — $10 I last saw Kristen perform in Deadtech (which was fantastic). According to her, at this year’s love show she’ll be “a lion in an african-dance inspired lion…
February 21, 2005
Gretchen got a piece accepted by the Guild Complex curated reading series. She’ll be reading on Wednesday, February 23 at: California Clipper1002 N. California (@ Augusta)8:15 PM — $7 bucks It’s been a while since I’ve attended one of Gretchen’s readings, and I’m looking forward to hearing her voice again. Swing on by and listen to some good fiction.
February 21, 2005
February 20, 2005
by Philip Larkin Love, we must part now: do not let it beCalamitous and bitter. In the pastThere has been too much moonlight and self-pity:Let us have done with it: for now at lastNever has sun more boldly paced the sky,Never were hearts more eager to be free,To kick down worlds, lash forests; you and INo longer hold them; we…
February 20, 2005
I’ve been having problems sending out emails for the past week or so. That, and I just sat down tonight to reply to a few folks who wrote me from like last week (I’m usually better about responding, but I just haven’t had the chance to lately). I think my ISP may have switched things on me. Not sure what’s…
February 20, 2005
As a farewell meal, we all went up to Hema’s Kitchen in Rogers Park. Wonderful Indian food. As usual, Justin ended up doing the ordering for us and brekaing out the Hindi. Group shot, post meal. Surprisingly, I handled the spicy stuff fairly well (although there was one plate that totally kicked my ass). Dessert!
February 19, 2005
It means to be extremely drunk. :)
February 19, 2005
Tori was kind enough to host the party at her place, and there was a ton of amazing food and drink: cheeses, fruit, bread, olives, wine, scotch. A veritable feast! Linda, Jenn and Tori, choosing definitions. Did I mention that, as the person who chose the word… you also have to read out all the definitions out loud? This means…
February 19, 2005
Ballsdurdash is a game that we made up, that sort of plays off of Baldurdash (but uses the Slang Dictionary instead of a real one). Basically, the game goes like this: One person chooses a word from the Slang Dictionary. He/She then announces the word, and everyone else has to come up with a definition for the word. Each person…
February 19, 2005
After lunch, there were tentative plans made to hang out later in the evening (and possibly a game of Ballsdurdash™. Dave. Justin, Alex and I decided to wander around the neighborhood (Lincoln Square) for a bit. Brownie Troop 336 has some mean illustrators! Just in case you didn’t know… this is a bat. Stopping in to The Book Cellar. Interior…