February 19, 2005
For lunch today, all of us headed out to Hot Doug’s (The Sausage Superstore and Encased Meat Emporium). This was my first ever time, and after what I had… I can’t wait to go back! I showed up with Justin and Dave. Notice that there’s a HUGE line stretching around the corner. We got into place, but not before noticing…
February 18, 2005
Hung out at Justin’s tonight, with Alex and Linda and Jenn (who I believe I met during the wedding). No pics from tonight, as we all just hung out and gabbed for a good while.
February 17, 2005
Many weeks back, Ben, Justin and I all combined our skills and helped build a new website for Stu. Definitely check it out if you get a chance (Stu’s photos are amazing). But I’m also curious to hear some feedback, particularly on one known issue that I’ve yet to reproduce. Every once in a while, there have been reports of…
February 17, 2005
In addition to it being a an official stein game, the coveted Darth Vader Light Saber was also up for grabs. One big game – winner takes all. Truly, a nerd’s bounty here. Alex is in town for a few days, and decided to join us for the match. Tonight was his first time ever playing Holdem (and he did…
February 17, 2005
I’m a big fan of the Simpsons and all. But come ON. Ernie and Bert should be… nay, NEED to be next to each other. What is this world coming to?
February 17, 2005
Wow. I had a lot to drink last night. Feeling… rough.
February 16, 2005
Tonight I met up with Alicia (of Audible Frequency fame) at Santullo’s for dinner. We had been planning a meeting to talk about possible collaborative prjects for some time now, and finally got together tonight. We’ve been emailing and talking through IM a good deal prior to, but it was quite nice to meet her in person – and put…
February 16, 2005
Ok. So these grates are right off the Blue Line, Clark/Lake stop. They’re on the east side of Wells, if you head north from the Blue Line entrance. Over the past two plus years, I’ve noticed that the concrete lining the sides of these grates has started to crack. At some point, I’ve started to step either completely over them,…
February 16, 2005
I’ve been watching these guys for a while now, but I have no clue what they’re doing. Repairs? Cleaning? All I know is, every once in a while, guys will tether themselves to the building, really high up. For some reason.
February 16, 2005
February 15, 2005
Shortly after this video, the balloons started tanking. We ran across Orleans, only to see theballoons sink straight down into the river. Great. It would have been fine had they sailed away (we attached a note on the string, with thewebsite URL on it)… but now we just feel like assholes. We debated for a while, but the tidestarted sweeping…
February 15, 2005
February 15, 2005
These were leftover from a meeting we had today. After some consultation, Mike and I decide… they need to be freed.
February 14, 2005
February 13, 2005
I went out and rented a few movies. Well, I guess this doesn’t count as a movie – I got the first two discs from Season 1 of Monk. I saw several episodes, when I was home over the holidays. There was some kind of marathon going on… and I just got hooked. The series itself is pretty neat, and…