After several trips (and some creative packing using tape, mailing labels and some rope), we were able to move everything down to the loading bay, underneath the Merchandise Mart. Given all the stuff that needed to be moved, Justin ended up renting a van.
Here’s a shot of how huge this space is.
Chris, with the best seat in the van.
Before we all said goodbye, we had one last game of poker in the office. And the victor? The one who emerges as the new Lord and Master? Why, it’s Ben of course!
For the record, I’d like it known that I came in second.
After dropping off Chris’ stuff, we moved a ton of stuff into Justin’s apartment. Stu’s in town this week, shooting for a client, and he met up with us to help unload the van.
Afterwards, we made our way to Target to try to find me a weight bench. I didn’t find anything there, but lucked out that a nearby Sports Authority was open. And although they were out of the weight bench I liked, they ended up selling me the floor model at a 20% discount. Woot!
In addition to the bench, I got a starter kit which came with a bar, dumbbells, and 160 lbs. in weights.
In our rush, we ended up dumping everything into my living room afterwards.
Back at Justin’s place, where I’m able to finally take a breather after this seemingly nonstop day. As he and Stu are unpacking their things… I noticed this Mac out of the corner of my eye.
I was suddenly reminded of the time, many years ago, when we set up our computers into Justin’s kitchen so that we could migrate all our sites.
Stu, getting some driving directions for his shoot tomorrow morning. Dig those socks!
Mmmmmm. Shrimp with Jalapeño Peppers, Eggplant with Garlic Sauce, and the Crispy Shrimp Plate. Papajin rocks.
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