Ah, fucking awesome time. It’s a shame, really, that we didn’t have more folks with us to play. Renting out a court for an hour is really fucking expensive, and I had hoped we could offset the cost with more players. I had every intention of taking on the brunt of the cost, as this was my idea to begin with.
But, leave it to Stu to jump in my way and put the whole thing on his card. Everyone chipped in some at the end of the night, and I felt bad that this cost so damn much. But… all told, I guess it’s about the same amount as a super fancy meal somewhere.
My friends are awesome. Try as I might, no one would let me pay for anything tonight.
We circled back to Inner Town, post-game, and had another round. On top of everyone hanging out, I should mention that both Ben and Justin are pretty under the weather right now, even though you wouldn’t know it watching them on the court.
At Inner Town, I got Chelsea’s gift, which was a custom shirt from a place called the T-Shirt Deli. I’ve been to this store (I think it’s on Damen), and they’ve got a fun selection of shirts and iron-ons. Very theme-oriented, and this is a glimpse of their excellent packaging.
Great time tonight, and I had a fucking blast! I’ve been watching and re-watching that birthday song, and I gotta tell you… it cracks my shit up every single time.
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