Preparty @ Inner Town
Stu, Justin, Dave and I all hung out for a bit at Inner Town. On walking in, Stu buys a round of Tequila shots, and we start off the evening in fine form.
My big plan is to go play WhirlyBall, something I first heard about 2+ years ago, but never experienced. Unfortunately, a lot of folks were either out of town or unable to go. I had played with the thought of setting this up for the weekend, but decided to make it tonight as Stu was in town and Chris was heading for New York come Friday.
And as a setup for the video below: as we made our way from Inner Town to the WhirlyBall facilities, we were checking out the satellite radio in Stu’s rental car. It was set to some heavy metal station, and as we approached our destination… some crazy death metal song came on. Which then set the tone for their inspired rendition of “Happy Birthday,” sung metal-style.
Here are some related links:
60 Seconds of Slayer
Heavy Metal Picture Series
High School Flashback
The Queensrÿche Jacket
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