Archive for May, 2005

Painting the bedrooms

Almost two years ago to the day, Ben and Laura moved into their first home. Today, Justin and I went to visit their new digs, and to help get some paint on the walls. The movers had all their stuff stored, and were delivering the furniture tomorrow morning, 8 AM. So… we had an evening to get three bedrooms primed…


First Day Back

First day officially back in the office. Of course, the first thing I do is head in for my daily coffee at Artisan. Oh, and it looks like the mural is done. My desk. Took me forever and a day to get things set up again. Now that we’re no longer running on a separate DSL line, and are part…



by Felix Jung We bow three times before his namebecause tradition is stronger than death. Iam with my father, whoís holding flowerswrapped in a thin gauze of paper.We stare at the dates on the marble,trying the math, a difference of years. In mausoleums nothing marks the yearspassing, save only the new namesthat appear. Next to his grave, a marbleslab waits…


Hala Kahiki

After about 20 minutes by car, we end up somewhere in River Grove… and get a nice rockstar parking spot outside Hala Kahiki. Some wooden carvings, near the entrance. The whole place is pretty dark. I tried getting this shot (sans flash) at the entrance, looking in to the bar. The place is pretty massive, and just sort of winds…



Back in Chicago. I headed over to Justin’s place, as his flatmate Michael was having a backyard BBQ. En route, spotted this in a window and it caught my eye. Little did I know that this was an omen of things to come. At the cokout, I ended up trying out the same recipe for Grilled Corn that I did…


Restaurant, Revisited

I told you half of what we do is eat, right? Well, for lunch… we went back to the restaurant and settled in for some Dim Sum. Craig and Michelle were able to join us, and it was awesome to catch up with the both of them. We had a ton of food, oceans of tea, and Craig and I…


Crown Hill

This morning, everyone woke up early and gathered at Crown Hill Cemetary, to visit our grandfather, David Jung. We all arrived at various times, so there was a good deal of hanging out in front of the main building. My mother was really taken with the sculpture at the base of the steps, and we all ended up exploring it…


Just Another Night at Home

All the kids had to go to sleep early, so I ended up back home with the folks. We watched Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and ate some apples. Good times. Something about that big, honking TV that my dad got… it makes movies better, I think. I made it about halfway and ended up calling it a night. My dad…


Hanging Out

Mostly, when relatives visit… we do one of two things. We either hang out at someone’s house, or we eat. This afternoon, we all met up at my Aunt Vicky’s place, and… well, we waited around a while until it was time to eat. Andrew ended up finding this wooden dealie, and pushed it all around the house. Squeaking like…


I was born in a small town

We decided on brunch, and ended up going to this place called Le Peep. As we were waiting for a table, I hear someone behind me say “Felix?” I turn around, and it’s my old friend Craig – someone I’ve known since middle school. What a fantastic surprise! I ended up going over to his table and said hi to…


Jasmine and Andrew

Pretty much, this whole weekend is all about the niece and nephew. Jenny is my cousin, but seeing as how we’re a Chinese family… anyone even remotely related automatically gets the title of “uncle” or “auntie.” Woke up early (well, for a Saturday), as Andrew and Jasmine tend to start the days pretty early. Jenny and Dan stopped by my…