Jasmine and Andrew
Pretty much, this whole weekend is all about the niece and nephew. Jenny is my cousin, but seeing as how we’re a Chinese family… anyone even remotely related automatically gets the title of “uncle” or “auntie.”
Woke up early (well, for a Saturday), as Andrew and Jasmine tend to start the days pretty early. Jenny and Dan stopped by my parents’ house, and we hung out there a bit and chatted. My folks ended up heading off to work at the restaurant, and the four of us went to Shane and Stacey’s place.
Quick shot of Dan and Andrew, playing in the front yard. This was neat to see, as I was reminded of myself, back when I’d run around the front yard – fascinated at every little thing.
Stacey and Jasmine who, each time I see her, just gets bigger and bigger.
The whole family, together. It’s not that clear in this shot, but there’s a humongo aquarium in the back there, filled with Discus fish. It’s a particular type of fish that Shane is really into – so much so that he and his friend are now importing them and selling them.
He’s even got his own website: imperialdiscus.com. A while back, I got to see the massive holding tanks he had set up. There was some seriously intricate piping, to ensure that the water had the right ph and temperature and everything. A really, really elaborate setup. Last time, I didn’t have my camera on me… and I didn’t get a chance to shoot anything.
Things seem to be going well with the Discus. Shane’s had folks drive from as far away as Cincinnati, just to meet with him and to buy his fish. Not too shabby.
Dan and Jenny, kicking back and watching Andrew roam around the livingroom.
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