Mexican Candies

After sampling some chili-infused lollipops at a Mexican grocery store near his place… Ben has developed a bit of a jones. Today, his package of Mexican candies that he ordered arrived, and he was kind enough to share some of the goodness with everyone.

The lollipop I had (mango) was good, but ended up being almost too strong for me. I did try one piece of something… that was primarily tamarind? It was brown, and had seeds, and tasted like a squishy, sour prune. Almost everyone in the office tried it, and had a similar reaction (namely, spit it out shortly after biting into it).

Some fun stuff though. We had a blast sampling the candy (although I wasn’t nearly as adventurous as Ben was).

Case in point, Ben’s exploration of what was called Salsaghetti.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Oh my goodness, does that salsaghetti ever look disgusting! Ha!

    Allison Reply

  2. You know those candies are full of lead, don’t you?

    Cousin Ellen Reply

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