Impromptu cookout today, over at Justin’s. We were originally going to meet up and I was going to walk him through the photo browser I made for work (for a site called Who’s Next). I was going to show him how some of the ActionScript worked, and get him started on creating his own version.
Instead, we got a late start and ended up just prepping food and firing up the grill.
Justin, getting massive amounts of salmon ready.
At dinner, it was me, Justin, Dave, and Will. Rob ended up stopping by a bit later on, as did Jude, and we all just shot the shit for a few hours.
At one point, Will ran back home to get some cigars. Originally, I think these cigars came from my boss, Rey. When we were cleaning out our offices before the move, I think he found a big box of cigars, with the Penthouse logo all over them – a throwback from when he was in charge of Marketing at Q101. He gave the box to Chris, who in turn gave it to Will, who in turn brought a few cigars for us to share.
And yes, when you unwrap each cigar, there’s a foldout in each one. I swear to god, these things must have been at least 5 years old, but we smoked them anyways.
Gretchen ended up joining us for a bit. When she showed up, I’m sure we were a sight to behold – a bunch of guys, sitting around, smoking cigars, empty beer bottles and snippets of pornography strewn about the table.
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