The one Photo I took today
Since I didn’t take any pictures today, I grabbed one of the various stuff I’m trying to digest currently. First off, Ben and Chelsea are both responsible for the Sufjan Stevens purchase.
Ben posted a lot of mp3’s on his old audio blog by Stephens. And more recently, Chelsea mentioned to me that he was someone she thought I’d really get into. A few days back, Ben posted a Stevens track on his blog, and I’ve been playing that song incessantly.
Also, my first issue of Poetry arrived today. Let’s hear it for trying to get back into the poetry swing of things!
And finally, I’m slowly working through a book that was suggested to me by my friend Gretchen: A Good House is Never Done, by John Wheatman.
What? Illinoise came out four years ago?!? Seriously? The hell’s the matter with time?
Alex (July 27, 2009 at 7:40 pm)