Prepare for Pierogi!

The group, about to head out. Chelsea is out of the frame to the left. Then it’s Gretchen, Julie, Carl, Kristen, Hillary, Justin, Will and Rob. I think Dave is off to the right of the frame.

As we were driving along, we got stopped at a bridge for a passing ship. Will jumped out, and took the following pics of the whole caravan crew.

Rob, wearing… an eyepatch? I have no idea what this is about. :)

Hillary and Carl.

Me and the Chelster.

As we’re about to cross the street and enter the festival, I looked up and saw these thin ribbons in the sunlight.

Nothing says party like polka music!

We have arrived!

And by this point, I’ve all but forgotten about my stupid car window. L to R it’s me, Justin, Dave and Will.

Round two! L to R it’s Kristen, Hillary, Mike and Julie.

Initial view of the festival (this thing goes for much farther than you’d imagine).

The Hulk, unhappy because he’s got a stick up his butt.

How sweet is this?

I know, I know. I’m a total nerd. To my credit though, I kept away from this table and enjoyed the festival instead.


Here’s a tip for any of you newbie Pierogi eaters. Avoid the ones that look like flat pieces of dough. The first pierogis I had were like that, and just terrible. Further in the festival, I had several that were plump and shaped like dumplings. Those were freaking amazing, and absolutely worth the drive.

In fact, the latter peirogis I had made me want to go back to the first booths, and demand my money back. They were THAT good.

This was also a first for me – fried green tomatoes. Chelsea got an order of these, and I snagged one off of her. So delicious!

After wandering around, we found our way past the festival proper and near a thrift store. As many of us loitered around outside, a few ventured in to look around.

As you would expect, tons of crap everywhere.


But, as luck would have it – several folks did find some good items. I think both Dave and Carl found pants that they fancied, and Will threw down some cash for a rather chipper hat.

A bit past the thrift store, we came across a more industrial area and crossed some railroad tracks. I think Gretchen and Rob have been here before, and were leading us to a small park nearby.

The park area had a large enclosed picnic area, and some really open gravel roads. We’re heading towards the shoreline, to the left.

This is where we were headed – a very new walkway extending out into the lake.

I hopped on top of some rocks along the shoreline. Notice how there’s just random hunks of metal strew about the shoreline.

Chicago, in the distance.

A closer view of the walkway.

This is one of my favorite shots from the day.

I also like this a great deal. I had lingered back some, and set the camera on the ground.

Note that the entire walkway is comprised of a series of grates, allowing you to see straight down to the water.

There’s something about walkways, the ends of them, that makes people want to memorialize one another. Perhaps it’s the end of land, or the meeting between solid and water. The desire to be at the perimeter, and to push your name into the boundary.

Laura and Adam, ever the optimists (notice the 7-29-05 date). Good luck to the both of you, wherever you are.
Two couples, looking out into the distance.

A fearless, if not reckless man.

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