Archive for July, 2005
One Free Minute
The question is: what would you say, given one free minute of anonymous public speech? I came across this site this morning, and it totally rocks. Based in Columbus, OH too, if I’m not mistaken. I really like the interactivity of it, coupled with the whole anonymity bit. The video isn’t all that great, but the concept has gotten me…
More Photowork
Sorry the entries haven’t been all that interesting lately. Again today, I spent most of my post-work time going through images and prepping them for the photo gallery. I added more images (and moved a few around). Once I’m done fiddling with this guy, I swear I’ll get back to trying to take more pictures. For now, I’m enjoying flipping…
Spend some more time this evening, fine-tuning the photo gallery. There was a slight issue with loading (which should be fixed), and the navigational elements within the frame of the image are working a bit smoother now. I’d still love to hear about any bugs if you find ’em. I spent a little bit of time digging through my pictures…
I recognize all those words, but…
I have no idea.
Photo Gallery is up!
So it’s a bit rushed, but it should be up and running. I’ve replaced the crappy placeholder index page for this site, so if you go to, you’ll see the photo gallery. Give it a gander, and let me know if you run into any bugs. I’m sure there’s stuff to be fixed here and there. I’ve built in…
Still working…
Soon. Very soon.
Wait for it…
Ok. So I’ve got nothing for you today. But wait! Before you close the window in disgust – check this out. I’ve been working most of the day on a design for my photos. Nothing all that fancy, but I’ve been enjoying playing around with it immensely. The functionality is more or less there (I’m maybe 80% of the way…
07/06/2005 07/07/2005
Which… is apparently what I did this afternoon. Was on the couch watching some TV and woke up to a dark room. It’s about 9:42 PM and I’m still rubbing my eyes. Waking up from a long nap is like getting a free day. Gonna grab a scotch and try to get some updates done for this thing – I’ll…
Did I miss something?
Some days, it’s like the universe is trying to tell you that maybe, just maybe, today might be a good day for you to turn around and crawl back into bed.
Noir Series
Matt recently got some of his work posted online. Go visit and take a peek at some of his photos. The more I view them, the richer they seem to get. I’m pretty taken by how much backstory is available in some of these pictures and, in turn, how much backstory I make up and assign to these pictures of…
Congratulations, Liz!
I got a call from Liz and Steph this evening, and an invite to help them celebrate Liz’s completion of her GRE exam. As it turns out, she totally kicked ass and way surpassed the minimum score she needs for her MLS application. We met up at the Dodger, and were joined later by Erin and Matt. While I originally…
Sometimes, the city offers good advice
I guess this depends on whether you care to see it one way or another. I liken it to the various messages I’ve come across written in the snow, written on a fence, or written on a truck.