Happy Birthday, Everybody!

So for our little Interactive group in Chicago, there are a ton of birthdays in August: Justin, Kashif, Matt, Anthony, and Deb. We all gathered at Cafe Iberico to celebrate (Mmmmmmm tapas).

As she does with every big birthday gathering, Deb gets everyone a huge bag of goodies.

Justin, showing off gifts.

Anthony, who is sadly leaving Q101 for greener pastures. I think we’re all still in denial about this.

Kashif, looking over his b-day card.

I’d like to record here that, in my birthday message, I praised Kashif for his poker prowess. I peeked overmoments after this photo, only to find that Ben had written something like “Don’t listen to Felix – he can’t play poker.”

I got burned! Via someone else’s birthday card!

I think I need to gun for Ben, next time we play cards.

Matt, opening one of many presents.

And last but not least, Deb opening her gift from us. Since she’s always so great about getting us gifts, we all wanted to make sure she had a great birthday as well. All of us chipped in, and got her a day-long Everglades Safari for two. I think this is something she’ll really enjoy, and to top it off – Ben made this kickass card for her, complete with a little vector gator.

Post-Iberico, as we’re walking to get some cabs… I spotted this outside a Florist’s shop.

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