Happy Birthday, Justin

Headed over to Justin’s, for a little backyard celebration for his 30th. I got over there a bit early, and met up with Dave and Howard for some Papajin prior to.

Quick shot of my gift, some JW Black, and Dave’s fantastic choice of wrapping paper.

Warmup routine: a glass of water, some tea, and a pack of Halls.

Party ON, biatch!

Now this part? It’s all Howard. Credit where credit is due.

In addition to the backyard party, there was an ice cream sundae portion to the night as well. Howard went all-out, and took care the whole ice cream bit, syrup to toppings.

Around 11 PM, everyone trekked inside to sample the goods.

Four fantastic words: tub of ice cream.

The syrup station.

Look at this presentation! We had a wide range of items, including cherries, chocolate Pop Tarts, Nestle Crunch, sprinkles, Oreo cookies, peanuts, walnuts, mini-marshmallows, Junior Mints. This was a mini-assembly line in effect here. Howard is the man!

Justin, creating his birthday sundae masterpiece.

Here’s my creation. I totally forgot how freaking good that ice cream shell stuff is!

I’m a little sad I didn’t take more pictures (I wasn’t feeling up to snuff today). Most of my photos are from the Sundae portion of the evening, and don’t include the hanging out in the backyard bit.

Justin’s folks got him some rocking computer speakers, and so we had those outside for music. Got to see some of the neighborhood folks (Dave, Will, Jude and Carrie). Ben made the trek in from the suburbs. I also ended up meeting one of Justin’s neighbors (Bob), and had some interesting talks with him regarding fireworks and NOVA. Also met two new friends of Justin’s – Lauren and Annie.

Sadly, I ended up calling it an evening a little after midnight. I heard later that the party went on until about 4AM, but there was no way I could have made it that long. Stupid summer sickness.

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