Cookout and Neo’s

Howard had gotten some wild salmon, and had a cookout planned for this evening. Earlier in the day, I worried that we’d have to reschedule given the rain. But as it turned out, the weather was pretty fantastic outside, and there was nothing to worry about.

In addition to the salad, we also had a boatload of wine.

Justin and Michelle, goofing with the cherry tomatoes.

Michelle just moved in next door a bit ago. I met her very briefly at Justin’s birthday party, a week ago, but didn’t get a chance to really talk with her much until tonight.

Michelle, with a little help from a pair of glasses.

Justin, in a pose some of you longtime readers might recognize.


John, lounging after the meal. I also met John (one of Howard’s coworkers) at the birthday party, but didn’t get much of a chance to hang out with him until this evening. Fun stuff – we hit a lot of topics and some really good conversations.

Justin shows off the balancing skills that he perfected while working as a runway model in Paris, so many years ago.

Funny how he and Rob both have this balancing thing down.

LOL. Around about now, unbeknownst to me, a ton of phoots were taken with my camera. Earlier, we were all talking about music and iPods were broken out, people sharing/listening to songs. Michelle had mentioned a few artists, and we went inside her place to listen to a few that weren’t on her iPod (but were on her computer).

I guess we were off doing that longer than I realized. When we came back out everyone had dispersed, but it looks like they were busy with the camera while I was gone.

That’s Phil in the background, incidentally. Been a while since I”ve seen him – I think he stopped by recently, for some cookout or another. But the last time we hung out extensively was way back in January I think.


Ok – me back behind the camera now.

I should mention that currently, there’s a substantial amount of construction going on in both Howard and Justin’s apartments. Their landlord is re-doing the bathrooms and the kitchens, forcing both to use the bathroom/kitchen in an upstairs apartment during the renovation.

Lots of plastic everywhere, and though the end result will be great – it’s gotta suck for them to have to suffer through 2-3 weeks of this.

Here’s Howard, balanced on what used to be his bathroom floor (it’s a straight shot down to the basement).

The remains of Howard’s kitchen.

Justin’s kitchen area, looking out into the living room.

The kitchen area.

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