Goodbye, Anthony

Sadly, after work today was a going-away party for Anthony. He’s worked with Emmis for about 10 years, and is leaving his position as webmaster for both Q101 and The Loop.

Sad, sad day. We all met up at a place called Uncle Julio’s, and watched the day turn into night over Coronas and margaritas.

Chris, Ben, Justin (hidden) and Angie, talking tech.

Action shot of the crowd.

Several gifts were given out, this one coming from Marv and the station.

Anthony, looking over the card we got him.

This was the brilliant card that Ben made (he photoshopped Anthony’s face onto this guy’s body). I think it totally captures Anthony’s personality, and fits him to a tee (we got him a $150 gift certificate).

As we’ve seen, Ben is great at making custom cards.

And what final farewell is complete without a round of tequila shots?

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