Archive for September, 2005

Gold Coast Hot Dogs

As it turns out, Kashif’s folks own a Gold Coast Dogs nearby. And today, he offered to buy everyone lunch – so an order sheet went around, and we were in some kind of hot dog heaven. Lots of food all around, and more hot dogs, chili dogs, brats, fries and onion rings than you could shake a stick at!



After dinner, we all parted ways with plans to meet up with Dave and his sister at Beechwood later on. I decompressed at home a bit, then headed out down the street to Beechwood (which, is on the corner of Beech and Wood, of course). I got there a bit early (10 PM), and so ended up killing some time…


Dinner at Singha

After work, there were plans for an impromptu poker game. But we realized that this was Kent’s only night to really hang out with Rob, and so we shifted our plans to Thai food. We all (me, Rob, Kent, Justin and Will) walked a few blocks to Singha for drinks and pad thai. Good stuff. This goes WAAAY back, but…


Kent, Clubfoot

Got a chance to hang out with Kent tonight, and met up with him and Justin at Clubfoot for a few drinks. Jokermobile! Kent, sinking a beer. We hung out here until maybe midnight or so. Fun stuff – haven’t been to Clubfoot in a long while, and had a good time just hanging out, chatting, and laughing a good…


On the way to work

I’m always fascinated by sidewalk chalk art. Sometimes, it makes me existential. Sometimes, it creeps me out. But today, it just made me smile.


First Photos of Live Giant Squid

You may not know this about me, but I’ve had an interest in the Giant Squid for a long time. Several years ago, back when I was a graduate student at OSU, I saw this fantastic documentary about the “Search for the Giant Squid.” Here’s the thing: for a long time, scientists have surmised the existence of giant squid. Large…


Filter, Feast

Swung by Filter after work with Justin. We were meeting up with Kent, and grabbed a table to kill some time. What can I say, I like taking pictures of the room via this mirror. You can see me and Justin on the left. I happened to snap this right as Kent walked in to the frame. Shortly after his…



That’s right, baby! Yeah! Nerd, you say? Geeky what? Well let me tell you something, buster. Nothing you say will diminish this victory. Why don’t you head on over and solve it, if you’re so smart?



Nearly a year ago, I posted about two games from a site called And while I was severely addicted to Tontie, I always admired the little animations in Grow. Well, last night Mr. Grumpy passed along a link to me, and I learned there are TWO new versions of the game! Today, at the end of the work day,…


Weird Phone Message

After lunch today, I got back to my desk and discovered a rather cryptic message on my voicemail. The person who called wanted me to be in some video of theirs. Something like that. And of course they left their number. I had no interest in calling back, but everyone else in the office thought, nay, demanded that a callback…